Exclusive!!!Interview with Desertfalcon Candidate for President

Day 409, 16:00 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius

As the the presidential election draws closer the Federalist Paper has managed to snag an interview with the eRepublican candidate for president. I asked Desertfalcon a series of questions. Three questions were personality questions because I fell it is important that we know who we are really electing. The final three were policy and platform questions. Over the next three days I will release article containing one of each type. It is my intention with this interview to open up discussion and debate. I am not concerned with the interests of any particular candidate. I hope simply to better educate you about one of your options for president so that you can make a better informed choice. I asked he answered, there has been no doctoring of any of the contents to give benefit to either I or him. Please read, vote and subscribe. Thank you!!!

Question 1 : Every candidate claims that they are running because they believe they are can do the best job possible. What trait or quality above all others do you think allows you to do the job of president to its fullest?

Desertfalcon: My opponents all just claim that they have experience when really we all joined at about the same time and have all been involved in the workings of Emerica for a long time as well. What sets me apart is that I offer something different to the table. The other candidates just tell you their plans for the economy and for the war in Argentina which really is not even under their control. Foreign relations and the military are my strong suits but I go beyond those when talking about my plans for the country. Right now we face one of the most inactive populations in the world. Other candidates say that things like keeping new citizens active is important yet none of them have the spent the time to come up with a new solution to solve this issue. I have already laid out a detailed plan about reinstating some of the old programs created by Dish back in the Summer of 08 that had been left behind after he left office most notably the big brother big sister program as well as a few of my own. My opponents tell me that I am promising too much and that the government can't provide all of this and to that I have to say that anybody who thinks this can't be done is used to mediocre leadership and was not around back in the days of Nave and Dish.

We all want a better America but people need to realize there is much more to running a country then just saying what you plan to do with the economy and foreign relations.

Question 2 : Your proposal of a loan for new citizens has sparked criticism among fellow citizens. What do you say to these critics? Is there a way that you can help them understand the basis of this idea?

Critics of the loan need to realize something, 10 USD will be the standard issue and there will be some restrictions on the loan. For example you must be at least three days old and be level 6 or lower. That way we only get new players who have shown at least some effort to stay in the game. Sure we may lose a bit of money on people going inactive and dying but 10 USD is not that much and with the three day requirement we will see much less people join, take out a loan, and then die. We also will get most of the money back through loans.

As to increasing the inflation yes it would increase the amount of USD in circulation but they would pay the government back which would decrease the amount. Once I get into office I will have to see how this things goes, if we get too many requests for newbie loans we may have to re-write the requirements and such too avoid giving out too many and hurting the economy. I think our plan is good right now if we get too many requests we can switch it over to a credit based system in which instead or requesting USD they would request an item (anything other then a house) and we would give them that item then they would work it off. We will just have to see how the original idea works out but yes the government has 50k in its treasury plus what ever is in the federal reserve so we have enough money to loan out 10 USD to a few people.

That is all for now. Look for the next part of the interview tomorrow.