eWorld Warfare Report

Day 1,838, 09:27 Published in USA USA by Bucephalus92

Greetings Bros

This should seriously be your goal in life

Its been a few days since I've written an article so lets get right to it.

Greece has lost the battle for its mainland, they put up a good fight but the combined forces of Serbia, Bulgaria, and FYROM were simply too much for the EDEN nation to hold back. Bulgaria gains the fruit and fish bonuses from their capture of Thrace and Agean Islands. FYROM gains the iron bonus with their capture of Central Greece. Serbia gains no new bonuses from their conquest, although they have taken the most regions, capturing 4 in total.

Turkey is the salmon color

The Greeks may have lost their mainland but they still have a strong presence in their Middle Eastern Colonies. Greece allowed Egypt to take Lower Egypt which was then quickly taken by the much more powerful Turks. This cuts Greece off from its assailants and gives them some much needed breathing room. Greece maintains a 6/10 economic bonus, with three food bonuses (Cattle, Fruit, and Grain) and 3 weapon bonuses (Oil, Iron, and Saltpeter). Will Greeks assailants be content with their capture of the Greek mainland? Or will they pursue the EDEN country into the desert? Only time will tell, but one thing is sure, the Greeks will not go down without a fight, and will now be a constant thorn in the side of their oppressors with resistance wars.

The war in the north rages on between Asgard and ABC, with Asgard making the most recent advances in the historically back and forth war. Finland has recaptured the last of its regions from the Polish and has moved onto conquering the ABC nation of Estonia. This conquest grants Finland a 5/10 resource bonus, with iron, fish and aluminum coming from its own recaptured regions and oil and fruit coming from their conquest of Estonia. There is currently an Estonian resistance war raging in the region of Laane Eesti, however this battle will soon end with a Finnish victory, they currently lead 82-28. Sweden continues its evenly matched duel against Latvia and Lithuania, currently Sweden is trying once again to regain their region of Gotland, which is under Latvian control. The battle is going poorly for the Swedes, with Latvia leading 22-0.

Chile has beaten back the advances of Australia and regained two of the three regions that the Australians managed to recover from the Chileans. However Chile has not been able to put the final nail in the proverbial coffin and Australia continues to be a major thorn in their side. The Australians are attacking Queensland (1) and the score there is currently 63-25 in favor of Chile. The Australians are also attacking South Australia(2), the score there is currently 37-18 in favor of Chile.

Just desserts
For those who don't know New Zealand helped start the war by tricking Australia into a "training war". This gave New Zealand ally, Chile, the border it needed to turn Australia into its new homeland. The Kiwis haven't fared much better than the Australians, with their original regions frequently split between Argentina and Chile.

For those of you who don't know Brazil started a new campaign against Taiwan...

It isn't exactly going according to plan

The Taiwanese were able to put up a surprisingly (surprising to the Brazilians anyway) strong defense of their homeland against the Brazilians. They have since taken to the offensive, and as you can see above have taken the Luzon region from Brazil. In order to help its Bro Brazil the US is entering the war. This will cost the US some serious MPP's. This will be a major test for the Taiwanese empire, and is a front I will be interested in covering for as long as it lasts.

In other news I am too lazy to go into depth about...Columbia attempts to regain its rubber bonus from brazil in Amazonica, Spain is in the final battle to rewipe Portugal, and Argentina/Chile continue to duke it out in South America.

Thats all for now Bros, if you enjoyed this issue of the eWorld Warfare Report then don't hesitate to VOTE, SHOUT,and SUBSCRIBE.

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