Day 2,358, 16:39 Published in United Kingdom Croatia by Lord Othere

The ongoing presence of an alien political party is something that cannot be tolerated. The British Serbian Union (BSU), regardless of its professed message of co-operation between two nations, has no proper place in eUK politics. TPV is speaking out in support of the eUK ATO effort. With the late hatching of a foreign plot to wipe a significant portion of Sirius member nations, the eUK cannot currently afford to allow a central stage for foreign interests, Serbian or otherwise. Vigilance is crucial now lest both our territory and our political system fall prey to foreign powers. Now is a time for eUK politics to focus on what it is supposed to: the advancement of our nation.

A relatively small nation like the eUK cannot afford to allow itself to become absorbed, either through PTO or through gradual cultural assimilation. This would take away our entire impetus for remaining citizens of the eUK, it would take away our independence. Of course, the BSU claim that their aim is to provide a forum for eUK-eSerbian relations. But the question must be aske😛 does eSerbia have a British political party in their top ten? the answer is no.

National Rank 8: Is this really a political priority for the eUK?

By allowing a large nation like eSerbia a legitimised political presence in our nation, we only waste our efforts. We would work to becoming a satellite state of eSerbia. Every effort of an eUK citizen in aid of an organisation like the BSU is an effort taken away from the eUK national struggle for independence and prosperity. While it is desirable for the eUK to be an open and inviting country, our political system should not be burdened with the pressure groups of foreign nations or any distinct migrant group to the eUK.

Therefore, TPV reminds all citizens:

- Congress Members: Remain vigilant in your vetting of citizenship requests. When able, background checks of potential citizens might just prevent the entry of a malicious presence into the eUK. We want individuals who have a background of loyalty to eUK interests - we're talking assistance in previous battles, MU membership history, and of course the status of the relationship with the country of origin.

- Party Presidents: Get in touch with your newer members, make an effort to communicate with them. This is good as not only does it add to the dynamism of our political system by engaging newer faces in politics, but it also lends an opportunity to unmask someone who may be a party member due to some ulterior motive. Of course, this especially applies to smaller parties.

- Employers: Take a moment to find out WHO you are employing! A glance at a profile when one is aware of current national and international affairs can reveal a lot and can help ensure that no support is granted to causes antagonistic to our national struggle. Make sure you are employing a decent eUK citizen!

- Citizens: Stick with supporting trusted and demonstrably loyal political alternatives. Don't waste time entertaining foreign elements in our political system. Try to be generous to your fellow eBriton. I know from my own experience, a little generosity can keep younger eUK citizens coming back for more. The more eUK born citizens we have, the stronger our position.

If we work together, we can overcome.

Also, TPV gives thanks to our Germark allies in helping liberate our territories from the oppressive eTaiwanese!

Keep up the struggle!

