Crapping on the UK, moving forward. (Brit edition)

Day 639, 12:54 Published in United Kingdom Romania by Rob B

How would you feel if you were an eUK citizen right now? Would you be shopping for bunkers? Would you be stockpiling food? Don't waste your money on weapons, they won't help. Do you feel alone and scared?

As our allies are wiped out and we move closer and closer to the brink of destruction, I notice a theme. It's a general showing of respect for our enemy. Sure, we talk of revenge, RW's, making them pay and we mock them. But, most of us seem to admit we were beaten by a well organized and superior force and we respect them for it.

Now the eUK, no one respects them. Not us, not our allies, not peace. They don't have anything to lose and yet they betrayed their allies to save themselves. Can you imagine doing that?

Now, nobody thinks the eUS and friends will be down forever. Even the occupiers know they can't stay forever. Maybe it will be a week, a month, 6 months, but we'll be back. And guess who's gonna get the worst of it? You got it.

Sure we will have revenge, or at least try to on the members of Peace. It's a vicious cycle that makes the eWorld turn. But, the party is going to be in the UK. Have you read the Canadian press? I hope they wait for us. I'm sure they'll stop for beer and we can catch up.

But it's not just a simple beating. They are the lowest of the low. You hold them down, and I'll kick'em. Peace doesn't care about them. Even if they did, we could just show them the Brits offer to turn on Peace when our ships approach their shores. Plus, hopefully Peace will be defending themselves or turning on each other by then.

Plus, we could occupy eUK forever! They don't stand a chance of kicking us out. Our allies will be more bonded then any other faction by our mutual destruction. And every time we go to kick the crap out of Peace, we gonna stop and take a shit on the eUK.

And thus....

The eUK committed the greatest epic fail is erepublik history.

PS. I was late to get out of Jersey. The rusky's were irritatingly nice and polite. I felt bad stuffing so many of them in my freezer before I left. But, they did make me move for the second time. Just make a mental note to be polite as well when we're visiting Moscow. Karma and everything......