eRomanian Invasion in Russia [Official Statement]

Day 403, 04:26 Published in Norway Norway by eRomanian Embassy in Norway

Dear Citizens of Norway,

Recent days have brought spectacular events very close to the Norwegian borders, which led to a lot of dubious speculations in the media. It is time to shed some light upon recent events and to make our actions both intelligible to you and acceptable by you.

While you have been trying to build up relations with Russia, we all have experienced several slights from the Russians. As you all know Russia started their resistance without clearance from Norway, and then continued to seek out aid to actively work against Norway during your agreed ceasefire. We have STRONG reasons to believe (from BOTH Norwegian and Romanian Intel) that recent coup attempts in Norway were help along by the Russians, in an attempt to overthrow pro-ATLANTIS administrations. Russia is clearly tending towards deliberately ignoring previous agreements with Norway and has plans of aligning themselves with PEACE to reclaim former territories. Every day Russia becomes more unstable and hostile towards us all.

The Russians have been warned that the generousity of Norway through the high level of resources present in their country would put them in danger, yet they have arrogantly dismissed this in the past. On the other hand, Romania, which has insured about 40% of the TOTAL DAMAGE inflicted by ATLANTIS in the last wars, is a country lacking both resources (we have only Grain and Iron) and consecutively high Gold reserves. We have always given whatever was asked from us, not asking for any aid or compensation, and we shall carry on doing that.

Nevertheless, it is unacceptable for us to see that valuable resources are sliding toward PEACE, while we struggle to keep up the dominance of ATLANTIS with greater and greater costs. In this respect, we have decided to follow-up 2 objectives:
1. Securing valuable resources for Romania AND for Atlantis (which will keep the high damage from our side flowing and our army strong and properly funded), by PRESERVING Russia as an independent country (it is not our intention to wipe out Russia).
2. Creating a direct border between Romania and PEACE, while we have the necessary strength to deal with such a potential far eastern front.

I would like to thank Norway for its neutrality in this dispute, and to guarantee 2 VERY IMPORTANT things:
A. By no means will Norwegian interest be affected in any way by our actions, we will definitely pay great respect to Norway and its citizens.
B. We owe you one for this demonstration of friendship (friendship which is already historical, from Forconin to Salve). And trust, us, this means a lot.

Many thanks for you patience and confidence. Both are important in order for you to see beyond the necessities of war tactics and to focus on the more distant, but important, goal.

eRomanian Minister of Foreign Affairs.