eRepublik Version 2.0: Political Parties

Day 361, 07:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran
Another series of articles in which I will outline my ideas for a potential eRepublik 2.0. I would like to stress that these ideas are my opinion and my opinion only and as such will not be as complete as would be possible

Although eRepublik has produced a fantastic community around a very solid set of core ideals, that is all they are at the moment; core ideals. Many of the ideas haven't been fleshed out to their full potential in-game and, as such, many National Forums have cropped up to allow players to fulfill many of their ideas and proposals. The problem is that, with these separate forums, players cannot have as great an impact on the game as would be possible if more features were put into the game to allow more creative freedom. Version 1 has already started this by allowing Congress to propose more laws and have a stronger influence in the way the country is run. But I believe this can be taken much further and in these articles I will explore the ways in which it can be done.

Political Alignment

At the moment, political alignment is just a tag for the political party - it serves no real meaning. Regardless of their alignment, they still havent to abide by eRepublik strict democratic laws. Our very own PCP will never have the oppurtuinity to be truly communist if they ever wanted to be. If eRepublik introduced ideas like Communism, Depotism, Religious States and other more extreme concepts it would encourage further diversity within different countries. Each of these would have their own governmental interface, with Communist for example having the ability to stop users creating companies and Depotism could change tax without congress consent.

You would probably say that these are game-breaking ideas. What if, however, there would always be other political parties who can wage Civil Wars against opressive governments? Although in a Depotism there would be no chance to have elections, Political Parties can always rise up with the people and hold Resistance Wars. Even with military backing, which is minimal in eRepublik anyway, the masses would always be able to overthrow a government. Of course, if a Democratic Government is in power, the Civil War option would be unavailable because you can simply wait until the next election.

Thanks for reading my little, crazy, ideas for a potential Version 2.0. I would be really interested in other people's takes on these ideas.

The next article will focus on Resistance Wars and how they could be improved and brought to life.