Erepublik Outsider Hacking edition

Day 991, 09:13 Published in Slovenia Hungary by montaigne

Dear Readers,

As I promised in my last article, which has been somehow deleted, the newest release of the eRepublik Outsider is being published in Slovenia. Next issue will be published in Romania.

Those, who want to read the deleted article may read the Russian translation, and translate it back to English with the google. It is quite understandable.

So, why my previous article was deleted? I donno. Some people say, that the logo was not properly chosen:

So, I replaced it:

With this one.

And now about the article itself:

1. Almost one week has passed since the last release. We are happy to say, that the military modules are more and more enjoyable. We finally gave back the Attack button to the Hungarian President, so he went out to rage in Ukraine.

2. The Presidential elections went smoothly. We can say, that the game is absolutelly clean and in the six hours of timeframe our skilled hardworking multi-hunter team did not discover anything, which would make the cleanness of the game questionnible.

3. It was some minor security issue during the evening. It looks, that either most of the Phoenix Presidents went crazy at the same time, or someone did somethig weird. Since the lost money has been given back (Damn!) and since the Phoenix Presidents retreated form the battlefields, apparently it is nothing to be fixed. Or is it?

4. Easy come easy go: we found some faked Gold and confiscated it in a way that we have closed some RW-s. Since money does not smell, we closed some, we left open some other RW-s. After flipping the coin the lucky winner was Piedmont, so Italy got the jackpot. Congratulations!

That's all for today

eRepublik Outsider team
one man show


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IT literate person, who has a clue about internet, data security issues and similar stuff.