Erepublik changes - exclusive!

Day 1,317, 11:21 Published in Serbia Serbia by Dimitrij lvanov


In all of my gaming life I never saw a game with such a potential as Erepublik. Simple and yet complex game based more on cooperation between players than on individualism. In time, because of high maintenance expenses, owners implemented certain number of changes in an effort to force players to buy gold with RL money. But their plan didn’t go as well as they hoped and many players left the game. Then they introduced a new series of changes but it backfired again. In the next couple of lines I’ll present to you what I think owners should do to stabilize the game and keep both sides happy.


- introduce SMS registration on 15th level
- only after registration a player can use MM, can vote and give donations.
- only one player can be registered through one telephone number
- all existing players will have to register their accounts
- registration costs 5 euro and it gives a player 10 G

What do players get? Regularity of the game. Today, honest players can’t prosper because of multi accounts who took over every part of society, from economy to politics. When player gets to 15th level he can see if the game is OK for him and if he wants to continue. 5 euro is not very high price for one player and he basicaly is not paying for registration, he’s buying 10 G and can build a new company with that money. On the other hand 5 euros per SMS registration is high price for multi creator and this filthy business will no longer be profitable for him. Politics will be much more fair and congress will be constituted on the basis on real votes and not zombie votes. We will solve the problem in 24 hours!

What do owners get? Regularity of the game, satisfied customers who stay attached to the game and in the end owners get a pretty good sum of money. Money they get from registration should be used to promote the game on the net like some other more popular but far less interesting games do. With that move they will expand their playing population and get more money.


- It costs 50 G to create
- It has 50 slots for soldiers and 5 slots for companies
- It can be expande😛 10 G for 10 soldier slots and 10 G for 1 company slot

- Members of MU cannot access JOB MARKET and can only work in MU companies.
- Members of one MU can work in MU's companies for free but they loose 20 health
- Equipment produced in MU's companies cannot be sold on market
- Equipment produced in MU's companies can be donated only to soldiers of that MU
- 5% training bonus for MU members

What do players get? A new system of organization and a tool for faster game progress. Since we got rid of multi accounts, players in MU can get to know each other better and have more fun in game. Limiting MU members to MU companies is implemented in order not to create hyper production again. Loosing 20 health points makes MU weapons and food a bit more expensive then merchandise created for 10 or 5 health points so it would not be very profitable to sell it on the market. All equipment will be spent on soldiers of MU and it will not affect market prices.

What do owners get? They pull large quantities of gold from the market and with that move they create more demand for gold. Since we got rid of multies, the only way to get more gold is to buy it with RL money. Since they implemented SMS registration system to all countries (at the moment that’s not the case), now every player can buy a bit of gold and revenues will go up.


- costs 5 G to start
- every existing newspaper have to pay another 3 G to be able to publish
- has a permanent base in your current citizenship country (changing citizenship will not change location of newspapers)
- license for another country costs 5 G
- it can be dissolved for 50% of value (original citizenship + 1 license = 5 G)
- publishing an article costs 0.2 G

What do players get? The question is what they don’t get, a they don’t get a bunch of spam papers they have today. They get quality journalism and journalists who know how to write. If I really think I have something interesting to say then I’ll give 5 G but I’ll definitely think before I act. At this moment we don’t have the option to publish in other countries and are restricted to our citizenship country. The licenses will change that and if we want to be heard all around the globe than we will have no problem in buying the license. If I get tired of publishing or if I need some money fast, then I can dissolve newspapers and get back half of my investment.

What do owners get? Money. They again pull large quantities of gold from the market and create more demand for gold. Buy it with RL money.


We truly love this game and if it weren’t the truth then we wouldn’t be playing it for the past 3 years. We get mad at the owners for changing it and making new rules because we want to play it like we always did. But we cannot forget the fact that the game can’t survive if it’s not financed on a regular basis. So the owners must figure out new ways to cover expenses and earn some money. The only possible and real thing to do is to make a compromise. „We will pay, but give us something for our money.“ First you have to fix multi account problem because we don’t want to pay if the game favors those who cheat. Then you give us the opportunity to enjoy it’s multiplayer strategy label by allowing us to hang around with real people and exchange our thoughts and experiences with them. Then, and only then both sides – owners and players will get what they want and be satisfied.


U svom igračkom životu video sam veoma malo igara koje su imale toliki potencijal kao što je to bio Erepublik. Jednostavna, a opet kompleksna igra koja je zasnovana više na saradnji između igrača nego na individualizmu. Vremenom su zbog velikih troškova održavanja igre vlasnici uveli veći broj izmena koje su za cilj imale povećanje kupovine zlatnika RL novcem. Međutim u tome su tek neznatno uspeli dok su istovremeno udaljili mnoge igrače koji su revoltirano napustili igru. Zatim su ponovo uveli niz izmena koje opet nisu donele rezultate i ponovo su odbili ljude od igre. Za par dana očekujemo i najnoviju izmenu koja se tiče monetary marketa i marketplacea koja bi mogla predstavljati dodatni udarac na igračku populaciju. U sledećih nekoliko redova predstaviću vam ono što mislim da bi trebalo uraditi da bi se igra bar delimično stabilizovala, a da i jedna i druga strana dobiju ono što žele.


- uvođenje SMS registracije na 15.nivou
- tek nakon registracije igrač može pristupiti MM-u, može glasati ili vršiti donacije
- samo jedan igrač se može registrovati preko jednog telefonskog broja
- svi postojeći igrači će biti obavezni da registruju svoj nalog
- registracija košta 5 evra i nakon registracije igrač dobija 10 golda

Šta igrači dobijaju? Dobijaju regularnost igre. Danas pošteni igrači ne mogu doći do izražaja jer multiji kontrolišu sve sfere društva, od ekonomije do politike. Do 15.nivoa igrač može proceniti odgovara li mu igra i želi li nastaviti s njom. 5 evra nije neka velika cena za igrača koji uz to dobija kapital za osnivanje firme i lakši početak igre, dok je sa druge strane 5 evra po SMS-u velika cena za multi kreatora kome se ovaj prljavi posao više neće isplatiti. Politika će uploviti u mirnije vode jer će se vlast konstituisati na osnovu pravih glasova, a ne glasova multija, pa neće biti pljuvanja na sve strane. Za 24 časa sredili smo problem!

Šta vlasnici dobijaju? Dobijaju regularnost igre, zadovoljne žive igrače koji ostaju vezani za igru i na kraju krajeva dobijaju ne tako mala novčana sredstva. Novac dobijen ovim putem vlasnici bi mogli uložiti u marketing igre kao što to čine neke druge, mnogo popularnije, a manje kvalitetne igre i time povećaju igračku bazu koja će im doneti dodatna sredstva.


- stvaranje košta 50 zlatnika
- ima 50 slotova za vojnike i 5 slotova za kompanije/magacine
- može se proširiti sa 10 zlatnika za 10 vojničkih slotova i 10 zlatnika za 1 kompanijski slot

- pripadnici MU ne mogu pristupiti JOB MARKETU i mogu se zaposliti samo u MU firmama
- pripadnici MU u firmama rade besplatno ali gube 20 healtha
- oprema se sa MU ne može prodavati na tržištu
- oprema se sa MU može donirati samo pripadnicima tog MU-a
- 5% bonusa na trening za pripadnike MU orgova

Šta igrači dobijaju? Novi sistem organizacije i sredstvo za brži napredak u igri. S obzirom da smo problem multijašenja rešili, igrači će se preko MU orgova moći bolje upoznati i kroz organizovanija dejstva više zabavljati u igri. Ograničavanje na rad samo unutar MU-a postoji da ne bi došlo do hiperprodukcije. Gubitak 20 health poena čini proizvedenu robu za nijansu skupljom od robe proizvedene za 10 odnosno 5 healtha i ne isplati se donirati je vojniku da bi je ovaj prodao. Sva oprema će se trošiti od strane vojnika i neće uticati na tržišne cene što odgovara svima.

Šta vlasnici dobijaju? Sa tržišta povlače veću količinu realnog zlata (koje nije stvoreno multijašenjem jer smo problem multija rešili) i nameću potrebu kupovine zlata RL novcem što im donosi dodatne prihode. S obzirom da su tokom rada na sistemu registracije omogućili svim zemljama koje su zastupljene u igri da putem SMS-a kupuju zlato (što do sada nije bio slučaj) dobijaju i veći priliv novca.


- osnivanje košta 5 zlatnika
- sve postojeće novine koje su osnovane za 2 zlatnika moraju platiti razliku kako bi mogle biti objavljivane
- imaju stalnu bazu u matičnoj zemlji državljanstva (menjanjem državljanstva ne menjate i mesto izdavanja novina)
- licenca za izdavanje u nekoj drugoj zemlji košta 5 zlatnika
- novine se mogu ugasiti i time se može povratiti 50% uloženih sredstava (originalne novine + 1 licenca = 5 zlatnika)
- izdavanje članka košta 0.2 zlatnika

Šta igrači dobijaju? Pitanje je šta ne dobijaju, a ne dobijaju masu spam novina koja postoji danas. Dobijaju kvalitetno novinarstvo i ljude koje vredi čitati. Ako zaista mislim da imam nešto da kažem onda mi neće biti žao da izdvojim 5 zlatnika na to, ali pre otvaranja ću zaista razmisliti. Trenutno nemamo mogućnost da izdajemo van medijskog prostora države čije državljanstvo imamo. Licence će to promeniti, pa iako su relativno skupe, ako želimo da nas čuju i preko grane neće nam biti žao da na to potrošimo koji zlatnik. Ako pomislim da sam se zeznuo otvarajući novine imam mogućnost da povratim 50% sredstava njihovim gašenjem.

Šta vlasnici dobijaju? Sa tržišta se ponovo povlači veća količina zlatnika i ponovo se povećava potražnja koja se može zadovoljiti samo kupovinom RL novcem.


Volimo ovu igru jer da nije tako ne bismo je igrali već skoro 3 godine. Ljutimo se na vlasnike kada uvode nova pravila i onemogućavaju nas da nastavimo na onaj način na koji smo navikli. Međutim isto tako je činjenica da igra ne može opstati ako nema redovan izvor prihoda i vlasnici moraju smišljati nove načine kako da pokriju troškove i da zarade. Dakle jedina moguća i realna stvar jeste napraviti kompromis. „Platićemo, ali dajte nam nešto za taj novac.“ Prvo sredite problem multijašenja jer ne želimo da plaćamo ako igra favorizuje kriminalce. Zatim nam dajte da uživamo u njenom nazivu Massive Multiplayer Online Strategy Game tako što ćemo se družiti sa ostalim igračima i deliti mišljenja i iskustva. Tek tada i vlasnici i igrači će dobiti ono što žele i biće zadovoljni.