Erepublik acronyms and shortcuts

Day 2,039, 00:14 Published in Ireland Croatia by MadameSpasojka


MU - Military Unit
RW - Resistance War
DO - Daily Order
CoD - Campaign of the Day
FF - food fights
BH - Battle Hero
CH - Campaign Hero
EB - Energy Bar
SS - Super Soldier
AS - Air Strike
TP - True Patriot
GoW - God of War
RH - Resistance Hero
TW - Training War
DoW - Declaration of War

CP - Country President
PP - Party President
vPP - Vice Party President
MoHA - Ministry Of Home Affairs
MoFA - Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
MoD - Ministry Of Defense
MoF - Ministry Of Finance
MoE - Ministry Of Education
MoIA - Minister of Internal Affairs
MoH - Ministry Of Health
SC - Supreme Commander
PTO - Political Takeover
ATO - Anti Takeover

FP - Forfeit Points
cc - country currency
MM - Monetary Market/ Media Mogul
HW - Hard Worker
BB - Baby boom
RL - Real Life
CS/ CZ - Citizenship
GB - Gold Buyer
eRep - eRepublik
MPP - Mutual Protection Pact
NAP - Non Aggression Pact
NE - Natural Enemy
Multi - Multiple Account
Temp Ban - Temporary Ban
Perm Ban - Permanent Ban

TWO - The World is Ours
CoT - Circle of Trust
EDEN - eRepublik Defence and Economic Network
NaN - Non aligned Nations

Keyboard shortcuts

Here's a list of the current keyboard shortcuts:
Shift + S = Storage
Shift + W = World Map
Shift + T = Top News
Shift + A = Alerts
Shift + S = Storage
Shift + L = My Land
Shift + C = Military Campaigns
Shift + N = New Message
Shift + M = Military Unit

source:Erepublik wiki