Empires and Determination - Explained

Day 2,223, 12:37 Published in USA Poland by Wild Owl

This article intends to explain the recently implemented features and Empires and Determination, their effects and consequences on eRepublik.

Empires and Determination were added as updates on Day 2191 of the New World. I’ll be covering Empires in the initial part of this article, and the Determination factor in the latter half.

Empires are countries that are deemed by eRepublik to have sufficient “Country Power”. Country Power is ascertained by the offensive capability of a country’s soldiers in its MUs, and the number of controlled regions, both original and conquered. Regions that are held for longer periods of time give a higher “country power” rating than those which are recently captured.

Being an Empire brings a country no real benefits, although you get a Laurel wreath around your country’s flag in wars. Citizens of the New World are informed every time a country acquires sufficient Country Power times to be declared an Empire. While this is probably a good achievement to have for a nation for bragging rights, it does little else. You can check country ratings, Empires and your country’s position in the charts by going here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/rankings-countries

Determination was the other, far more important feature introduced on Day 2191. In essence, countries that are occupied get a “Determination factor” which multiples influence by a predetermined factor depending on how many days a country has been occupied for. The following table gives the determination factor which multiples influence for the Resistance, varying with Days of Occupation:

While influence for the resisting side may be multiplied, this is not the case for a player’s rank points. Furthermore ,damage done by rockets and bombs is not multiplied. It is also interesting to note that determination accumulated over months can be undone in a matter of weeks by strategically RWing a country’s regions, only to take them back, as has been done by Croatia in India.

I hope you found this article informative and useful. If you have any suggestions for any topics that you’d like me to cover, let me know and it shall be done.


Wild Owl