Eight commandments

Day 830, 21:34 Published in China Uruguay by fefo95

1. Defense orders to respect you.

Subscribe and vote commands inalienable part of your will. Follower of Firefox or Opera are you? It's plug and to install Greasemonkey, what would the main page of eRepublik everything he had. Then you will truly well-informed and know the country where you fight the trap.

2. High Wellness thy second name happens.

Truly, at the time these words today have made, because the hospital only home health lost in battle one day be renewed. Then go and ninety points having spa, or more, you do not stumbled on the battlefield and the weapons destruction and sow your employer was satisfied.

3. IRC and the forum will be the shepherd of thy.

Tako thing the ancients: "Before I formed eRepublik chat, IRC channel the highest source of knowledge and entertainment was. Chat, although created with the image and likeness of IRC can not compare with him."
Want to try one of the cleanest sources of water, channel # erepublik.pl quakenet server come up. Channel # EPL also help you if you are a follower of Rizon.

4. Sacred land of indigenous rate will not sully her.

Our country has become a great person and your need is in high regions, where the enemy is waiting to stumble ours.For our native land, holy MPP are protected and hostile attack tainted burn out marks on the forehead of his unclean.

5. Before you start asking, eRepublik read the wiki.

For eRepublik wiki knowledge base of your and your strength in moments of doubt in eRepublik mechanics will be. Holy book will help you discover and explore hidden deep. From the start to seek the highest truth.

6. New players a helping hand to serve you.

New player rejoices our hearts, and his good common good should be. Once eR wiki in embryonic and the player was only able to trust each other. Also today, the seventh and the validity is not, and what you give to someone from one another, someone else will give you with a vengeance.

7. You should read the newspapers.

And thy will broaden the horizons and a new eye to look at some cases, you will be able to look closer to the truth and streams of thought will carry you. However, if you avoid the streams of thought plain.

8. The size of your actions will be described and thy grace on thee Golda trap.
(burned a hole in parchment)