Education Committee Begins!

Day 3,024, 09:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Hello, good morning/afternoon/evening/night. Congress has finally managed to settle it's committees for the term and the education committee has got to work straight away. We have already set up our PM, introduced ourselves, voted on who will lead the committee and started planning our course of action for the term.

Education Committee Begins

And that's all that has happened so far...

The People

Committee Members
CheetahCurtis (Chair)

Education Ministers
Madelina de Melrose
Frixios of the Clyde

We in the education committee will be quizzing these ministers over the next few days to find out what they have done over the term as the governmental term ends. We will introduce the new ministers and find out their plans after the CP election.

So that's all that has happened so far. Is there anything that you want to know about the Education Committee? Share in the comments and I will do my best to find out.

Thanks for reading,
100% Of The Education Committee