eChina News/中国新闻 第四期 (Oct.1th-Oct.8th)

Day 691, 08:20 Published in China China by eChina
eChina News/中国新闻 第四期 (Oct.1th-Oct.8th)

编辑:shawkcn 翻译:mariohexu等

一、 国内大事扫描

1 、 aliao 在总统大选中获胜, 成为新任总统

在十月份的总统大选中,aliao 以 405 票,66.50% 的支持率毫无悬念的赢得了 大选。 这次大选有 4 名候选人, 选前 zippy cr 即宣布将作为内阁成员支持 aliao , 相当于放弃了自己的参选。 而 Legion437 和 Stalin-chan 两人连竞选演说都没有进行 。 无怪于 aliao 会以如此大的优 势胜选。

2 、 新一届内阁名单公布

aliao 的内阁名单可参见此链接:

和上一届内阁比较大的不同 在于 Luckycake 的福利部长一职由 evilcherry 接任, 原财长 Deathhush 转任新成立的预算及审计局 局长, 财长一职由 zippy cr 接任,Saint William 出任新设立的总理一职,deathdeit y 成为新成立的经济建设局局 长。 自 9 月份以来连续两任内阁都是 完全由中国玩家组成, 这种现状也引起了部分的争 议。

3 、 军演危机

详见本期 “聚焦热点” 。

4 、 国防部下属军队第一期训练 任务完成情况公布

7 日, 国防部长 FireInYourHole 公布了国防部下属军队—— E 中华人民解放军第一期训练 任务完成情况。 根据公布的情况, 总训练任务完成率为 67.75% , 其中训练任务完成情况优异 者 (超过 100% ) 有 7 人。 国防部考虑到这段时期经历 了军演不稳定的状况, 所以有不少成员未能全额完 成任务, 对于其中大部分成员均给与 了每人 1 把 Q1 武器的奖励。 目前国防部的第三次征兵已 经开始, 详情请关注此链接:

5 、 国产 5 星医院建成

截止发稿时为止, 国产 5 星医院进度已建成。 至于在近期国家安全受到威 胁的情况下, 是要立即将该医院建在上海 , 还是暂时储备待机, 似乎还有所争论。

二、 聚焦热点


紧接着上周 Sol 军演因台风而告吹, 为了处理这种尴尬局面, 经过总统、 内阁与议员们的讨论, 中国与立陶宛签署了共同防 御协定 (MPP ) , 加入了立陶宛与拉脱维亚间 的三十国军演。 正当国民们期待着 10 月 4 日凌晨第一次进入三十国军 演的战场时, 意外再度发生。 波兰议会开始了关于对立陶 宛宣战问题的表决, 并最终以压倒性优势通过。 此举大大刺激了立陶宛与 PEACE , 于是三十国军演暂停, 立陶宛进入全力备战状态。 而中国国民们只能无奈的接 受又一天没有战事的现实。 虽然之后的那天就恢复了正 常军演, 但这段时期内的经历大大刺 激了国民。 不少国民因无法忍耐而出国 打工。 而政府也开始认真考虑要如 何才能把意外事件对国家的 影响降到最低。

目前中国参加了 Sol 军演与三十国军演, 同时与 Eden 军演组织者也正在联系中, 看样子要加入也是没有问题 的。 现在到了要选择的时候了, 只参加其中一场的话是否不 够保险? 全部参加的话是否太过奢侈 ? 同时参加两场的话又该如何 取舍? 参加这些军演是否会让人感 觉到中国的中立立场会有所 改变? 政府和国会将如何抉择, 我们拭目以待。

附: Sol 军演、 三十国军演、 Eden 军演价码如下
Sol 军演为 6G 每场
三十国军演是每 7 场 30G
Eden 军演是 5.5G 每场

三、 八卦

1、在伊朗威胁事件中, 我们再一次感受到了 中国力量的弱小, 有玩家感慨说:
“弱国是没有能力 来保持中立的。 我们没有实力来参加 国际事务, 我们没有实力保卫 自己的领土。 我们只能无奈的宣称 “我们是中立的” 。 ”

2、近期 The Samurai 就国内外大事发布了一系列 内幕文章, 深得群众好评。 但由于其文章标题往往起作 “从 XX 地厕所听来的消息” , 有读者调侃说:
“赞美你啊,S 君。 你从 PEACE 的厕所听来了这么多内幕消 息。 国家真应该任命你为 eChina 驻 PEACE WC 大使啊! ”

3、经历了 Sol 军演和三十国军演的意外中 断后, 有玩家感慨:
“我们真是和平使者, 到哪哪停战……”

4、在 5 号进行的总统大选中,zippy cr 号召群众为了一个好彩头, 把他的票数提升到 128 票, 但结束后发现, 他的得票数是 111 票, 群众表 示:
“我该理解为很坚挺……还 是很光棍……”
其本人表示: “ JS 党人数 11 , 选举得票数 111 , 我觉得是诅咒……”

四、 每周一囧
如果你使用了和熊猫 相关的名字或者图片 的话, 那就请加入我们的熊猫 党吧。 熊猫党是一个跨国界 无政治目标的组织。 党魁是日本的 Pink Panda 。 入党方式就是加她 为好友。 这是她的链接:
请让我们为了 熊猫党而欢呼:
Pandas of world, unite! m(^___^)m

English version:

PartI Domestic news

1. Aliao will be the the new president.

Aliao won the election by 405 and 66.50% votes. Alrough there are 4 candidates, Zippy cr expressed his willingness to be a cabinet member; Legion437 and Stalin-chan gave no words at all. It's no surprise that aliao won by such huge margin.

2. The new cabinet

Aliao announced the new cabinet. For details, please refer to

Department of welfare is succeed by evilcherry from Luchycake.
The former Minister of Finance, Deathhush, become head of the newly established Budget and Audit Bureau.
Zippy cr succeed to be the Minister of of Finance. Saint William will be the Prime Minister. Deathdeity will be head of Economic Development Bureau.
There is some dispution since from September, the cabinet have been thoroughly occupied by RL Chinese.

3. Training war crasis.

See 'hot topic' for detail.

4. First assignment of People's Libiration Army

The Minister of National Defense, FireInYourHole, disclosed the summary for first assignment of People's Libiration Army (PLA). 67.75% of the total task is complete and 7 people did good job as finished his/her task. Considering the case for insufficient trianing war, DoD prized most soilders with a Q1 weapon.
Right now, the third recruit of DoD has started. Please refer to

5. Q5 hospital made in China.

The Q5 hospital is ready. There is discussion on whether put it in Shanhai right now or wait as we are under threat.

PartII Hot Topics

where is the stable trianing war?

Last week, Sol training war brew out with the typhoon.After discussion around the President, the cabinet and the congressmen, eChina signed MPP with eLithuania and participated in the 30 nations training war.

However, when citizens are looking forward for the new battlefield, accident happend again.
ePoland started and past a vote upon diclaring war with eLithuania and the training war was suspended for one day.eChina citizens are sad with this and, in fact, some went aboard.The government has engaged on how to minize accidentical effects.

Currently eChina is in the Sol training war and the 30 nations training war. Also, eChina is communiting to the organizer for the EDEN training war. It seems that there is no problem to enter it.

Now is the time for a choice. Is it risky to anticipate in one training war only? Is it too luxury to anticipate all? And, which war to choose if we do not want three? Would those training wars affect our standpoint of neutral?

See also: costs for training wars
Sol training war costs 6G for one battle.
30-nations training war costs 30G for 7 combats.
EDEN training war costs 5.5G for one battle.

PartIII Gossip

1.People talked a lot on the issue that eIran asked eChina to sign a MPP.Again, we feel the helplessness of a weak contry. One commente😛
"There is no real neutral contry but weak contries. We don't have the power to participate in internation affairs; we don't even have the power to protect our own territory. We are alike a ostrich in saying that we are *neutral*."

2.Recently The Samurai published several political criticism and was praised by the crowd.
Samurai always says "according to information heard from XX's toilet, ...".Someone commented
"Mr.S is so good as have heard so much from WC of PEACE. We should appoint him as special ambassador for PEACE WC."

3.Experienced accident of Sol and 30-nations training wars, some complainte😛
"We are messengers of peace. Fight stops wherever we go."

4.In president election, zippy cr called to raise his No. of votes to 128 as "128" is a lucky number in Chinese. However, it came out to be 111. "111" is refered to be a number of loneliness as "1" is the singlest number.
"11 people of JS party with 111 votes. A curse, I think." expressed by zippy cr himself.

PartIV Today's 囧 (囧 is a face, what do you see in this face?)

If you happen to use a name of picture that related to panda, please enroll in our PANDA Party.PANDA Party is a international non-political party. The president is Pink Panda from eJapan.Add her as you friend. Here is her profile:

Cheer for PANDA Party! Pandas of world, unite! m(^___^)m

【附】shawkcn致歉: 由于配合上的失误 和本人的RP问题, 这期eChina News 拖到了这么迟才发, 实在很过意不去。 同时,由于本人RP问题, 显示器罹难维修中。 目前无法正常参与国家运作, 希望问题能很快解决, 在此深感抱歉, 请大家原谅。