Day 1,616, 13:51 Published in Serbia Serbia by Dule Czv

Dragi moji edrugovi i edrugarice, resio sam da napravim podelu... Delicu po 100 wella svakome ko mi SUB-uju, VOTE-uju i SHOUT-uju novine, a 60 wella ko mi VOTE-uje i SHOUT-uje... Delio bih i vise, ali vece podele cu praviti kada ojacam i ocvrsnem.... (Broj VOTE i SUB ostavite u komentaru)

Ako kojim slucajem neko zeli da bude donator moze slobodno... Necu da se ljutim... Ako bude donatora ostavicu njihove linkove ispod teksta...


Mr Lonely 93 has transfered 405 RSD to your account.

Legija1991 has transfered 70 RSD to your account.

Legija1991 has transferred 130 Food to your storage.

Chedomir|_I has transferred 400 Food to your storage.

Katrovanovic Darko has transferred 500 Food to your storage.

Psiho Za Volanom has transferred 200 Food to your storage.

gojko198 has transferred 300 Food to your storage.

Puleee has transferred 420 Food to your storage.

bobytmac has transferred 215 Food to your storage.

pitagora71 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.

Evil Iwi has transferred 100 Food to your storage.


Sveshtenikova PODELA wella
