Downtime is over, professions merge is live

Day 1,029, 02:32 Published in by Plato
Update Day 1,029 – 9:30 eRepublik Time

Dear citizens,

As you had the opportunity to see, the professions merge is live and now you can work in every field that you are interested in. This will increase the competition between companies for every active worker.

From the company owners point of view, the good news is that you do not have to hire different workers for each product part and your employees will create directly the final product. This means less time spent administrating your company.

On the other hand, even if we said that the skill level names will be removed, your feedback on this aspect was very convincing and we have decided to keep them. Thanks for your tickets sent using contact page!

Known existing issue: be aware of the fact that, for the moment, you cannot post offers for Guru**. We are working on this issue and we aim to solve it in about 24 hours. If you have this skill level though, you can accept job offers for Guru*, until the issue is solved.

Thanks a lot for support,
Your eRepublik Team


Dear citizens,

We would like to let you know that today we will implement a new change in the Economic Module: eliminating Professions and their levels.

For this to happen we will need to put today the site into maintenance for a period of 1 hour between 5.00 and 6.00 eRepublik time, Day 1029.

We’ll come back with more information after the changes are applied so stay tuned for the next Insider.

Your eRepublik team