Don't Impeach Benn Dover Take II

Day 370, 11:50 Published in USA USA by SigniferOne


Having been shocked by the number of comments in this new attack on our president, I decided to take some time away from my Arizona Congressman candidacy, and address some of these rumors head on.

"Gundam Society" makes a whole host of undeserved charges against our President, and seems to incite anarchy as much as a rational political consideration. The following is a sample of his complaints:

"Perhaps we should invade eEngland to learn from them few management tips"
"I lost count how many times we have been promised war to boost the economic cycle, yet I still find myself sitting on my desk every morning doing nothing."

Dear GundamSociety: WHO CARES. This is not about you or what you do with yourself every morning, this is about our country and doing what's right for it. I don't see why any American should concern himself with you and your personal concerns or problems; instead we should look at the bigger picture of our country as a whole, and people in charge who are responsible enough to lead it onward.

So let's take this personal complaint off the table; "GundamSociety" has the right to talk about his dissatisfaction, but it should not be therefore used as a basis for national policy. We all have our problems, so I recommend you just deal with it rather than airing it out to everyone else.

Didn't Benn promise war? Well it's going to start soon. Obviously we cannot initiate it just yet, because of game mechanics, where neither Brazil or Argentina are still neighboring our borders. But to start war just for the sake of it? To abandon all alliances? To betray our close friends? To ruin our position in the whole world? "GundamSociety" must be joking! Let's INVADE BRITAIN, he says! Could a more irresponsible comment be imagined?! But if if we rationally reflect on things on the other hand, is Benn not pursuing the only course of action that's actually open to him: trying to engage in war and stir our economy but within the constraints and responsibilities of national politics? I grant you, this is a difficult and diplomatic task, and I certainly wouldn't want somebody as irresponsible as GundamSociety entrusted with it instead! Remember, responsibility and maturity are the qualities we most need in a president, not rashness and immature temperamentality.

Now the economy needs fixing, but Benn is not a magical wizard who gives out handouts and makes everybody else's problems go away. Can anybody reasonably say that the world's economic problems have been resolved and that only the US is stuck behind due to a bad president? On the contrary the world is still stuck in the mire! And quite in fact, the US has been doing really well lately. The company I work in has really been picking up lately, and a number of other companies I've been monitoring are doing a LOT better. Products prices have picked up, and Resource prices (e.g. Iron) are drastically higher than what they used to be just a month ago. This means finally a profitability for companies, which means higher wages for workers, which means better wellness spread all around. Is this to be swept aside as an economical accident, for which nobody bears any responsibility? If GundamSociety is so quick to blame Benn for any bad things it might uncover, then why won't it praise Benn for the good things which are happening in our economy as well?

In short, this "critique" of our president doesn't even deserve a proper word, because it was not a critique in a reasonable and mature way which deserves comment and time. It was a rashly and quickly chopped up hachet-job, for what? For political goals perhaps. Stay away from demagogues and pernicious critics, is my recommendation. Not only do I urge you guys to dismiss his "attack", but urge you to be on the lookout for his political endorsements and stay away from them as if with a ten-foot pole.

Responsible and mature leaders all the way!
SigniferOne (for Arizona Congress)

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