Dobro se dobrim vraca

Day 2,362, 14:10 Published in Thailand New Zealand by BeLpHeGoR-6-6-6

Učili su nas od malena da trebamo pomagati starijima , biti ljubazni i da ne trebamo krasti. Da ce nam se sve to vratiti kada budemo stariji. Šta je to u nama tako nesebično da pomažemo drugima ne misleći prvo na sebe i svoj život ? Mnogi odvajaju i samo jednu minutu dnevno u svom užurbanom ritmu kako bi podigli smeće s ulice, nekome priskočili u pomoć, bilo da su pustili nekog preko reda, pomogli mu prijeći ulicu ili nosili teške vrećice bez da traže nešto zauzvrat.
Da li ste se zapitali da li vi to radite ? Da li ste nekome uskočili u pomoć ili je možda zaobišli ? Nije vam još kasno 🙂

Dobro je činiti dobro

A ja vam ovim člankom želim produžiti život ako imate vremena pogledajte ovaj video


We have been taught from childhood that we need to help the elderly, to be kind and that we should not steal. That will help us all to come back when we're older. What is it in us so selflessly to help others without thinking first on yourself and your life? Many are separated and only one minute a day in her busy pace to raise the garbage off the streets, someone come to your aid, be they released some of the line, helped him cross the street or carrying heavy bags without seeking anything in return.
Have you ever wondered whether you do it? Did you jump to help someone or maybe it around? You are not yet too late 🙂

It is good to do good

But I want this article to extend your life If you have time to look at this video