Divide et impera

Day 2,052, 09:13 Published in South Africa Croatia by Knez Hrvata

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Tomorrow will be the presidential elections and we need slightly reduce our tensions. We as a nation are divided. We have foreign and internal enemies. If you have foreign enemies we have to unite. Togetherness is the key to our survival in this world. Do anyone know that Latin saying Divide et impera (divide and conquer). We are doing this ourselves. But we cant let to politic divide us. I know there were harsh words these days on both sides We must not allow ourselves to be destroyed by politics.

Fascio symbol of power in the Roman Empire. (I am not a fascist or Nazi)
There were twelve tribunes who followed the emperor and who demonstrated the power of the Roman emperor. If I remember well.
The words of my history teacher in high school and his description of Fascio: "A man can not stand alone but when he is supported by someone else he is stronger. Try to break a branch it is easy, but try to break 10, 20 or 30 branches you can not break it."
Nice story that cut in my memory. To this day I remember his face and voice when he tells this story.
Some pics

And in the en😛
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