Desertfalcon For President: Foreign Policy

Day 466, 14:46 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

First off I would like to congratulate the CVP for their success in the congress elections. We corrected our mistakes from the last election and with proper communication and planning we went from having a measly 4 seats in congress to 12 and tying for the majority with the USWP. What we need to do is carry that momentum from the congressional elections into March and hopefully take the presidency. I have not yet finalized my VP pick however I expect to have one by Monday.

Seeing as the invasion of Mexico is the hot topic right now I am going to kick off my series of campaign platforms with my stances on foreign policy. Now my last article on the war was written for fun, there was not much justification for the war in that article but quite frankly I don’t think it’s necessary. This is a game, nobody dies in war and nobody suffers from it. Wars within the game are one of the most intriguing aspects of this game and the game is built around war in a way. Without war the weapons and defensive system industries would go under, and the moving tickets and gifting companies would have trouble staying afloat as well.

As for invading Mexico I believe we should go two regions deep and stop after taking Mexico City. This will give us six new regions, control of the highest quality Mexican hospital, and leave the Mexicans with two regions. Now we will have to beat a Mexican-Hungarian alliance tomorrow but although Hungary has experienced a population boom they are at best about half our strength. It will be a much closer battle tomorrow as we attempt to gain control of the Mexican capital but I remain confident that we will win.

Now the big question with Mexico is what we should do with the regions we capture. We should let Mexico remain independent with those two regions furthest south however I believe we should hold on to the rest of Mexico for now. The regions themselves are worth very little to us at the moment, however they could be effective bargaining chips when dealing with other countries, for example we could offer to give up control of Mexico City if a country like Turkey were to give some regions back to Israel. Also having a buffer with a country that is quite unstable is not bad either.

I am one of the most vocal critics of Atlantis, as it has been holding us back for awhile now and we have been getting nothing out of it. Operation French toast was a complete failure and after that the alliance has not worked well together. What we need is a smaller more close knit alliance made up of countries that we share common interests with who are in our region of the world. I would keep us in Atlantis for the first few weeks of my term however I would also speak with other world leaders about the possibility of them breaking off from PEACE or Atlantis and joining us in a third alliance. If I get enough countries willing to come join us in a third alliance I will put it before congress.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to PM me.

~American Presidential Candidate~
~March 2009~