Department of Fun---Also, vote for me

Day 163, 08:07 Published in USA USA by Nave Saikiliah

For the four of you in America that care about real policies and goals, here mine are:

--Reverse the inflation - we've already stopped it, so now we need to bring it down to pre-war levels.
--Create government program to give gold for export licenses - I didn't think this needed to be mentioned, but of course we'd have some fair system and wouldn't choose who gets gold based on contacts. We'd need a department that determined whether the company could make profit elsewhere and WHERE that place would be.
--Implement gift program to ensure everyone gets back to pre-war levels - this has already started. Everyone should be receiving gifts on a regular basis now.
--Implement gift program to help workers maintain high wellness - we could make better use of our domestic gifts later by using them to reward high quality workers.
--Use Tax incentives (in the form of handouts) for stockpiling - just in case another war occurs, we need a stockpile of extra goods.
--Implement Platonic's Constitution (with some changes, of course) - we are in need of some official US rules and rights. Also, a justice system will be very neat to have.
--Sign an MPP with at least one of the top three strongest nations in the war - I am trying to convince Sweden to make an alliance with the US -- hopefully, Norway would as well.
--Establish a strong Commerce Department - just a department that would consult with GM's would be beneficial to the US as a whole.
--Implement Federal Reserve as an actual bank - wouldn't it be nice to have guaranteed loans (with interest) and even some grants? Ah yes.
--Establish a worker's union - a Spanish syndicate has contacted me, expressing its desire to help in America. We need some system that ensures that workers are being treated fairly -- I'm sure GM's won't mind, as long as they are making money.
--Raise fun levels - see below.

After a long talk with Moose (Esoom), Diarmuid, and Emerick, I discovered what went wrong with the war in Canada. I know, you're tired of hearing this, but I'm pretty sure nobody addressed this: it wasn't fun. I mean, the fighting was actually enjoyable (provided you used a SO to watch yourself fight) -- the war itself was just too stressful to be fun.

Erepublik is a game. The government's responsibility is to maximize fun levels.

That's not to say that the economy, media, politics are not important (the serious business part of the game). In fact, using the fun theorem and the stress theorem, a valid argument is that the government needs to enhance the economy so nobody gets stressed out and everyone has fun. Also, the government needs to stay away from wars, unless the people are so bored that thtey really want one.

In response to this revelation of mine, we created a super-selective, ultra-serious Department of Fun. If you'd like to join, simply make up a title for yourself. Moose is the Prime Minister of Pleasure; Diarmuid is the Little General; KevinGregory is the Interim Director of Fun; jmatic is the Prime Minister of Orgasms; I am the God Emperor of Fun.

The next step is to actively add fun to the eWorld. This is where you get to be creative. If you can't add fun to the world, then you've got something wrong with you.

Anyway, this should help out American morale and improve the overall funtitude. Also, if you invade an article that was previously unfun and leave it funned, you are encouraged to make note -- "fungasm" is a great word in this case.
