Department of Foreign Affairs - Midterm

Day 3,163, 14:26 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Foreign Affairs

Hi kids!

Hope this midterm report will interest you. Sometimes Foreign Affairs is like a 200 kph inverted transverse loop on a rollercoaster from hell. Sometimes FA is like trying not to fall asleep waiting for this guy to cross the street.

Right now we’re waiting on our little koala buddy to move his butt.

Let’s review what’s going on.


With Nebula in our rearview mirror we are scanning the horizon. Looking into possibilities we want to provide the best combination available. With this in mind things looked promising when Australia was approached by Orion. The member countries being France, Canada, Netherlands, Lithuania and Cuba. Many good friends and many of their associated countries are our friends too!

(Editor’s note: Words are funny. We use them everyday to communicate but rarely do we stop to consider the intricate meanings they envoke. Similar to a master artist who mixes shades, tone and color on his/her pallet. Take for instance the following word*.)

However*, there has been some concern expressed regarding association with our neighbors and our relationships to them. Specifically Chile. While not activly negotiating at the moment we have recently had several ideas floated back and forth with Chile’s leadership. Our discussions have been of a cordial nature. It is generally agreed that there has been enough bad blood between our two countries and that it’s time to move on.

While this administration wants to assure our friends at Orion that we would stand with them if they were attacked we could not be on the offensive against our neighbor and retain our mutual peace, a peace that is by agreement, not an official document that could be rendered meaningless in an instant. To that effect Australia remains open to work with any reasonable country or alliance for the betterment of each of us.

Region Renting


No, not coffee (although I’ll take a cup if it’s fresh), not JRE either (for you techies). Let me copy/paste the highlights from what has already been ran by our Congress.

Proposal for the Region Rent of Java

After some discussions of the potential region rent with Indonesia for the region of Java, the governments of both eIndonesia and eAustralia has come up with this proposal.

Region: Java

Rental Price: 35k per month plus taxes back (Calculated by use of the economy section of the game)

Hand Over: By the way of a Training War. This Training War will be started by eIndonesia.

Training War Duration: 7 days, to be concluded ASAP.

Re-Discuss: Region rental will be re-discussed at the end of a 1 month rental, to ensure both parties are still happy about the terms and conditions.

Now that’s all well and good. We obviously have good reasons to want this rental to happen. Our MoF Dread Pirate Hobbits has figured and dabbled to get the maximum benefit from the new economy. I’m certain someone will step up to say how it will never work but that’s an upcoming feature in the comments below.

I want to address a concern with this line of the proposal.
Rental Price: 35k per month plus taxes back (Calculated by use of the economy section of the game)
Particularly the 35k per month plus taxes back. At first blush this not only seems excessive but even outrageous. Without going into intricate detail, that is about the amount of increase expected from the new Holding Company tax. (Isn’t bureaucracy a wonderful thing?) Since we are returning the regular tax that is collected by us while renting the regions it should be obvious that the HC tax is also due the landlord.

That’s pretty much what’s going on at present. When/If something pops up with the alliance issue you will be informed as soon as information can be released. Keep in mind that it is virtually impossible to negotiate and release information simultaneously.
