December 2008 - South Carolina - My Platform

Day 399, 04:32 Published in USA USA by Publius
# Endorsed by Angrr (
# Endorsed by Nathan Woods (
# Endorsed by NoneSuch (

Greetings South Carolina!

I'm Publius, a current congressman seeking re-election for a third term in congress.

My Background
I'm extremely active in this game, and I've experienced about every aspect of it. I began playing four months ago, while the game was still in beta. I was surviving on $2 and searching for gifting buddies to get my health up. I saved up my salaries and started a company. My money grew and through wise business practices, I now own three successful companies through my organization (Banana Hammock Holdings Corp). I've invested much of my own money towards the war effort--I currently am one of the few Captains in the eUS military.

I've been elected to congress for two consecutive terms, and I'm looking for a third mandate. I'm one of the most active congressmen on the offsite eUSA forums, and I've authored several bills that passed. I also serve on the Constitutional Rewriting Committee.

My Platform

Taxes and the Economy
# Low Taxes
# Free Trade
# Stable Dollar
# Economic Growth

Taxes raise money for the government to wage war effectively, purchase infrastructure, and regulate the value of the dollar. I believe that taxes should be kept to the smallest values to provide positive revenue to the government and they ought to be fair across all industries. I am also a strong proponent of free trade. As a company owner, I appreciate the value of US manufactured goods and employing US workers and I also appreciate that America will only gain through competition. As such, I support low tariffs on imported goods. As a congressmen, I've been influential in demonstrating the benefit to these policies and working towards their enactment. Finally, the government ought to use Federal Reserve monies to maintain a stable currency exchange rate against gold, so that we prevent sudden and disastrous inflation or deflation.

Defense Systems and Hospitals
# High Quality Hospitals
# Sensible Placement of Defense Systems

Many congressmen promise hospitals and defense systems to their states in the hope of buying votes. Our country doesn't benefit from self-serving congressmen. When a new defense system or hospital comes up for sale, I advocate placing it in a state that will be in the country's best interest.

Our nation currently has only one Q5 hospital (Florida). As more Q4 and Q5 hospitals become available we need to purchase and place them so all of our soldiers aren't fighting from Florida.

South Carolina borders a region in Spain that borders Portugal, a country we are currently at war with. I have already advocated for the placement of a defense system in South Carolina to secure our borders. This may be placed before the election takes place.

Foreign Relations and the War in France
# Support our Allies
# Train our Military
# War is Fun

I support the war in France. It's a great opportunity to test our military's command protocols and support systems and we're supporting our allies in ATLANTIS. Through the proper healing in hospitals our citizens can reach 100% health consistently which is a huge boost to our GDP.

Undoubtedly, some aspects of the war could have been handled better. But I believe any of our leaders would have run into similar difficulties when the US hasn't waged full-scale war since the inception of V1 (and even for a while before then).

Nobody dies in war and it adds a depth beyond the typical two clicking. So far we've drawn with the opposition (PEACE), but I am confident we'll be able to show that we are truly the stronger alliance after a couple of more rounds abroad. I'll be fighting proudly on the front lines.

I am an experienced and active, both in the eRepublik and the eUSA community. I have a strong understanding of the game's fundamentals and I have served in congress twice. I hope you'll support me for a third term, South Carolina.



PS. I have written my responses to the Libertarian Congressional Survey in a previous article (