Day 448 - Ketegangan Memuncak Perang Segera Meledak - (English Available)

Day 448, 19:02 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by n3m0

Heboh Pemilu Di Spanyol, Interview With BBJ - Didukung Oleh PEACE dan ATLANTIS?, Ketegangan Memuncak Perang Hungaria Segera Meledak, Aliansi Baru - European Social Alliance, Kisruh Politik di Swedia

Catatan Redaksi,
Peperangan yang semakin mendekat di Hungaria sepertinya akan menjadi pelampiasan dari warga dunia yang selama ini telah menahan diri dari deraan bugs, bosan dan hilangnya trivia dari erep. Perlu diingat, dengan hilangnya trivia, berarti semakin cepat pula proses bertambahnya atau berkurangnya dinding pertahanan. Dengan kondisi ini, sepertinya mau tidak mau hanya kuantitas, resource dan ketepatan waktu yang menentukan perang kali ini. Akankah Hungaria mendapatkan regionnya?
Selamat menikmati,

nb: yang mau translate silahkan email ke, jangan mengerjakan sebelum ditunjuk. Fee 1 gold, dan untuk wawancara tidak usah di translate. Thanks!

Heboh Pemilu Di Spanyol

Madrid - Dari negeri matador dilaporkan terjadi sebuah insiden dimana 540 suara yang diberikan kepada Anonimux telah di anulir, hal ini menyebabkan kursi kepresidenan telah beralih kepada runer upnya yaitu alvoske. Penalti yang diberikan tidak tanggung-tanggung yaitu perma banned untuk sang president yang hanya sebentar saja mencicipi kursi kepresidenan.
Interview With BBJ - Didukung Oleh PEACE dan ATLANTIS?
German Speaking Area - Dingin, ya itulah yang redaksi rasakan ketika barusaja menginjak tanah switzerland yang bersalju. Terlihat banyak grafiti dimana-mana dan sisa-sisa peperangan waktu dulu dimana tentara Prancis dan Italy merangsek negara ini masih terlihat. Redaksi hadir dinegara ini untuk menelusuri informasi sebenarnya tentang intrik di negara ini setelah sebelumnya telah mewawancara Dio. Beruntunglah ternyata sangat mudah untuk menemui BBJ karena kehadiran sosok ini sangat mencolok dengan koar-koar suara cemprengnya dari speaker. Berikut percakapan kami dengan beliau.

Kenapa sih elo lawan Dio?
Sebenernya, asalnya Dio gak ada loh tapi theocrats yang ada. Dia mengambil alih kongress kita, merusak ekonomi dengan pajak yang tinggi dan upah minimum yang sangat rendah. Dio itu datangnya belakangan (karena Theocrats ternyata mengikuti faham Dioism), gitu juga dengan /v/akistani voters.
Anda meneriakkan civil war, bagaimana anda menerapkan civil war?
WEll, Admin belom bikin modul untuk membuat civil war ini, jadi kita harus melakukannya dengan cara yang tidak konvensional. Kami mensabotase monetary market, kami membomb media, kami protest, dll. Intinya, kita lakukan apapun yang kita bisa untuk memperlambat Theocrats.
Saya lihat South Africa mendukung gerakan anda disini, apakah alasan mereka? dan adakah negara lain yang mendukung anda?
Dulu SA di TO Theocrats. Mereka berhasil menghalaunya(Theocrats Red.) pergi. Dan mereka tidak suka atas tindakannya yang mencuri dan merampok kas negara. Karena itu mereka menggunakan Switzerland untuk balas dendam dan menghentikan Theocrats mengambil keuntungan dari negara.
Saya sebenernya mendapatkan dukungan dari beberapa negara, saya tidak yakin harus mengatakan siapa saja mereka. 2 dari PEACE dan 3 dari ATLANTIS.
Banyak orang melihat anda ini adalah kutu loncat dari satu negara ke negara lain, apakah rencana sebenarnya anda di Switzerland?
Well, saya jadi kutu loncat untuk Switzerland umumnya. Sepertinya saya harus melakukan list.
- Saya memulai dari Kanada karena saya direkrut untuk datang disana juga saya orang Kanada di RL, jadi mayor di Victoria dan menyadari bila Kanada tidak bisa berkembang kemana-mana sehingga saya pergi.
- Saya pergi ke Iran, dan berteman dengan beberapa orang Iran disana, terutama dengan Koroush dan Nsmnavid juga trolling /v/akistani karena waktu itu sangat membosankan dan /v/akistani bertingkah seperti tau segalanya.
-Kanada diinvasi akhirnya saya kembali dengan membawa beberapa warga Iran, saya pikir.. *blah blah kebanyakan omong cape deh...*
- Setelah itu saya Antonio fonti dan beberapa yang lain pergi ke Switzerland karena Kanada dalam kondisi yang tidak baik. Asalnya sih demi 1000G, tapi ternyata Switzerland tempat yang nyaman untuk tinggal, akhirnya kita tinggal deh. Eh Prancis dan Italy menyerang kita dan kita kalah walopun Ireland dan Norway membantu.
- Setelah Swiss kita pergi ke Bulgaria untuk membangun "Switzerland yang baru", tapi warga disana membenci kita, setelah satu periode kekuasaan, banyak dari kita yang pergi. Saya away (inactive kali) selama 1 bulan, kemudian Bulgaria gabung dengan PEACE (padahal mereka bilang mau netral), akhirnya saya pergi lagi.
- Saya akhirnya ke Prancis, berusaha untuk membebaskan Swiss dari tangan mereka. Untuk awal-awal sih kekuatan kita kecil. Kemudian saya melakukan pemberontakan ketika kekuatan kami telah besar, kita telah bertarung sekuat tenaga, kami kalah ketika separuh dari bantuan yang kami harapkan tidak datang. Kemudian Spain menginvasi atas nama kami, jadi saya pergi lagi (untuk sementara).
- Saya kemudian tinggal di Spain karena diminta oleh mereka, bayaran mereka bagus dan saya bisa terus berlatih perang. Kemudian saya pergi lagi.
- Kemudian saya balik ke Prancis. Big Brothers dan lain-lain yang menentang pemberontakan pertama baru saja dapat kabar bila Prancis memberikan kemerdekaan swiss dengan ratio vote 18:2. Karena itu kami mengkoordinasikan 3 pemberontakan untuk membebaskan 3 region paling penting.
- Setelah tinggal beberapa lama di Switzerland, saya menyadari harus mengambil cuti, maka saya jalan2x ke china dan India untuk mencari pengalaman, kemudian *blah blah... redaksi udah ngantuk dengerin dia ngoceh....*... Kemudian saya lihat Theocrats datang dan mensabotase usaha kami. Saya berencana untuk mengalahkan Theocrats dan mengembalikan negara kami ke semestinya, kemudian kita lihat nanti apa yang akan terjadi.
Apa yang anda pikir mengenai rencana Dio terhadap negara ini?
Saya bener-bener gak tau mengenai Dio. Tapi saya tau bahwa Theocrats berencana untuk merubah Switzerland menjadi "Theocratic Nation".

Akhirnya obrolan kami sudahi... akankah BBJ berhasil?

Ketegangan Memuncak Perang Hungaria Segera Meledak
Jakarta - Ketegengan mulai terasa sejak mimin release berita tentang akan dibukanya war module beberapa jam kedepan. Romania telah bersiap jauh-jauh hari, beberapa utusan Hungaria telah menyebar surat kawat untuk meminta bantuan, pemerintah eIndonesia pun telah memberikan beberapa instruksi persiapan. Hungaria akan menjadi perang terdahsyat mengingat persiapan yagn cukup panjang dalam menghadapinya. Satu hal yang menjadi pertanyaan redaksi, dengan tidak adanya trivia, apakah server erep kuat menahan gempuran ribuah orang yang dilakukan secara serentak?
Dari Romania terlihat pula dengan jelas mobilisasi massa untuk memenangkan pertarungan ini, para komandan terlihat menyemangati rakyat Romania. Dari atas kertas terlihat ATLANTIS di atas angin mengingat jumlah tentara yang lebih besar dan tidak memerlukan ticket untuk pergi kesana. Tapi dengan kondisi waktu, Indonesia dan Iran memiliki keuntungan karena terjadi diwaktu siang. Akankah ATLANTIS berjibaku untuk begadang sampai pagi?
Dari Hungaria terlihat penambahan penduduk yang sangat significant, terdapat 1422 warga baru dinegara ini pada saat berita ini dibuat. Meskipun demikian, Publik Romania tetap merasa diatas angin karena menurut mereka total jumlah penduduk Hungaria masih tidak seberapa dibanding dengan jumlah penduduk Romania sendiri.
Member ATLANTIS yang lain seperti eUSA sepertinya adem ayem saja menyikapi perang di Hungaria ini, sedangkan di Spanyol masih didominasi oleh masalah kepresidenan yang baru saja terjadi di negaranya.

Aliansi Baru - European Social Alliance
Budapest - Dari eropa dikabarkan telah terjadi pembicaraan antara negara Jerman, Czech, Serbia dan Switzerland untuk membentuk Aliansi ke tiga yaitu European Social Alliance (ESA). Aliansi ini dibentuk kebanyakan oleh negara-negara netral. Masih belum diketahui bagaimana latar belakang sebenarnya dan arah dari politik luar negeri dari aliansi ini.
Dari Jerman sendiri berita ini sepertinya tidak muncul, terlihat bila Jerman mulai untuk menggembar-gemborkan supaya bisa merekrut banyak pemain.
Dari Timur Tengah dilaporkan terjadi pembicaraan antara pemerintah Turki dan Israel dimana Israel meminta paling tidak diberikan satu region saja oleh Turki. Dikabarkan presiden resmi paling akhir dari Israel - Cyberstormalpha - telah kembali aktif.

Kisruh Politik di Swedia
Oslo - Selagi member ATLANTIS lain sedang bersiap-siap untuk berperang di Hungaria, ternyata dari negeri ini telah terjadi politik yang panas antara presiden dengan partai oposisinya FRONT. FRONT yang mendapatkan 28% kursi kongress dan merupakan partai kedua terbesar disana menganggap toothpaste - presiden Swedia - adalah dictator. Icehacker salah seorang tokoh opposan mereka yang meminta transparansi dan beberapa penjelasan dari kebijakan sang presiden ternyata telah di lengserkan dari beberapa posisinya.
Diluar dari panasnya politik Swedia, ternyata Swedia termasuk negara yang paling berhasil melewati badai epidemi penyakit mematikan yang melanda Erepublik. Disaat negara lain berkurang ratusan bahkan ribuan warganya meninggal, Swedia kehilangan dibawah angka seratus dari warganya.

English Version
translated by: wander howard

Election Uproar in Spain, Interview with BBJ- Supported by PEACE and ATLANTIS? Tension Peaked Hungarian War Soon Exploded, New Alliance - European Social Alliance, Political Dispute in Sweden.

Tribunal's Note,
The War which is getting closer in Hungary will seem to be the total lashing out of world citizens, who had with great effort restrained themselves from bug raids, boredom, and the cessation of trivia from Erep. It is worth noting that with the disappearance of trivia, it would mean that the process of increasing and decreasing the Wall points would become faster. With this condition, it is inevitable that ONLY quantity, resources, and deployment timing which will determine this war. Will Hungary be able to regain her territory?
Enjoy and good luck,

Chief of News,

Election Uproar in Spain
Madrid – From Matador's Land it is reported that an incident occurred where 540 votes given to Anonimux had been annulled! This cause the Presidential Seat to be relegated to the runner-up, alvoske. The penalty given is not half-hearted either, which is permanent-ban status for the unfortunate president whose position he could only enjoy very briefly.

Interview With BBJ â�ï& iquest;½ Supported by PEACE and ATLANTIS?
German Speaking Area – Cold. That is what the Chief of News felt when he just landed on the snowy Switzerland's land. Many graffiti were seen everywhere and the remnants of past war where French and Italian troops had run amok in this country could still be seen. Chief of News came to this country in order to investigate the real information behind the state's intriguw after previously interviewing Dio. Fortunately, it was very easy to gain access to BBJ, because this figure is very eye-catching with his hoarse campaigning voice from the loudspeaker. This account follows our conversation with BBJ:
Why did you fight Dio?
Actually, in the beginning, Dio wasn't here, the Theocrats were. They took power in our congress (completely by surprise, their candidates literally appeared a couple minutes before the elections) and ruined our economy with huge taxes and minimum wages. Dio just arrived later (since the Theocrats are kinda like a denomination of Dioism), and so did the /v/akistani voters.
You shout for civil war, how you conduct that civil war?
Well, unfortunately the Admins haven't made any kind of real "civil war" module yet, so we have to use unconventional means. We sabotage the monetary market (they are not going to use us as a base while we are here), we bomb the media, we protest, etc etc. Basically, we do whatever we can to slow the Theocrats down.
I can see that South Africa support your movement, what is their reason? and is there any other country who support you?
Once upon a time, South Africa was taken over by these Theocrats. They eventually drove them out, but still don't like the Theocrats for stealing their country and robbing their treasury. As such, they are using Switzerland as a way to get revenge, and to stop the Theocrats from making a profit here.I do, actually, have support from several other countries. I am not sure whether I should mention them, but if it helps, 2 are from PEACE and 3 are from ATLANTIS.Sorry, out of space, second part of this message is coming in just a sec.
Many ppl seen you as a "jumper", from one country to another, what is your real plan with Switzerland?
Well, I have been a jumper for the sake of Switzerland in general, though I suppose I should make a list here.-I started in Canada (because I was recruited to come there, plus I am RL Canadian), won the mayor elections in Victoria, then realized Canada wasn't going anywhere and left.
-I went to Iran, made friends with several Iranians there, in particular, Koroush and Nsmnavid, also trolling /v/akistanis because Erepublik was so boring at the time and the /v/ers were acting like know-it-alls.-Canada was invaded, so I went back, bringing some Iranians along. In my opinion, the USCAN war was the best war in Erepublik history, with an actual counter attack, and all sorts of cool unconventional tactics.
-After that, myself, Antonio Fonti, and several others went to Switzerland, because Canada was in bad shape. Originally, it was for the 1000 gold, but then we realized Switzerland would be a nice place to settle in. We stayed, but France and Italy invaded, and despite help from Ireland and Norway, we lost the war.
-After Switzerland, we went to Bulgaria to make a "new Switzerland" of sorts. But the Bulgarians hated us, so after the first term in power, most of us left. I was away for about a month, at which point Bulgaria joined PEACE (despite their saying they wanted to remain neutral). So, I left.
-I went to France. I attempted to get to work on freeing Switzerland, but for a while we were quite small. I then attempted a revolt later on (once our movement was quite large), and, despite doing quite a bit of hard fighting, we lost when about half our support never arrived. Then Spain invaded on our behalf, so I left (temporarily).-I was in Spain for a while because the Spaniards asked I go there. I stayed for quite a while, with my pay being very good and I had a war to train in. Then, I left once more.
-I then went to France. Big Brother and the others who were against the original revolt had just received word that the French voted down the proposal for Swiss freedom 18-2. As such, we co-ordinated three revolts to claim our three most important provinces.
-After staying in Switzerland for a while, I realized I needed a "vacation" of sorts. So, I went to China and India to gain some experience in fighting there. I went to various other places as well previous and during this time, but that was just so that I could go to places whilst avoiding the rule about moving during war.I then returned to Switzerland, did my best to help it out, then watched as Theocrats arrived and sabotaged our efforts.I plan on defeating the Theocrats and restoring our nation to what it was, then we shall see how things go.
What plan do you think that dio has with this country?
I really don't know about Dio. But I do know that the Theocrats plan on making Switzerland a "Theocratic Nation".

Tension Peaked Hungarian War Will Soon Explode
Jakarta – Tension starts to pervade the air since admin released the news of war module launching in several hours ahead. Romania had prepared from days ago, while several Hungarian envoys had sent messaged urging for help. Indonesian Government had also committed several preparation instructions. Hungary will become the most spectacular war, with long preparations already done for this event. One thing that intrigued the Chief of News though, with trivia gone, will Erep Server manage to sustain thousands of people's battles simultaneously?

In Romania, it is clearly and obviously seen the general rally in order to win this battle. The commanders are seen pepping up Romanian citizens. On the board, it was seen that ATLANTIS is on the upper hand with higher troops' number and the advantage of not needing ticket to jump to the battlefield area. But in time aspect, Indonesia and Iran had the advantage due to the warfare started at noon. Will the ATLANTIS battled while staying up all night?
From Hungary, it was seen a major significant increase of citizens. There were 1422 new citizens on this country at the time the news was written. Romanian side still feel they were on the upper hand because they thought that the total number of Hungarians are insignificant compared to Romanian.
The other ATLANTIS member like eUSA seems to be cool in responding to this war in Hungary, while Spain is still dominated by the Presidential crisis just happening in their country.

New Alliance - European Social Alliance
Budapest – From Europe it is reported that a discussion occur between Germany, Czech, Serbia, dan Switzerland to form the third Alliance called European Social Alliance (ESA). This alliance is formed mostly from neutral countries. It is still not known how and what is the background and the foreign politic's color of this alliance.
From Germany itself this news is virtually unseen, it will be seen if Germany had started boosting the news to recruit more players.
From Middle East it is reported that a talk concurred between Turkey and Israel Government, where Israel demanded to be given at least one region of Turkey state. It is reported that the last official president of Israel - Cyberstormalpha – had returned to active.

Political Dispute in Sweden
Oslo – While the other ATLANTIS members are preparing for Hungarian War, from inside the country, hot political dispute launched between the president and the opposition party FRONT. FRONT who had gained 28% of Congress seat, and the second biggest party in Sweden, considered toothpaste – Sweden's president elect – as a Dictator. Icehacker, one of opposition figure, called for transparency and some explanations of the president's policy which had been weaned and deviated from its original stances.
Outside the heat of Politics in Sweden, this nation is considered among the most successful nation in wading through the deadly epidemy which had stormed Erepublik. At the time other countries lost hundreds and even thousands of his/her citizens, Sweden merely lose below a hundred of its citizens.

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