Dark Days

Day 609, 08:19 Published in Canada Canada by Rigour6

So much progress had been shown in the development of eNB but all must now be set aside for the war which is upon us. There is nothing good in war except its ending, and now we must exert the uttermost for the cause.

What is to be done?

1. No truck nor trade with the enemy. This means one does not live in enemy-held territory or work for companies within such territory, or buy any item regardless of price from such companies. The latter takes some careful checking by times.

2. Fight every time and in every way. This next bit especially pains us: Move to Ontario or Alberta where the Q5 hospital allows more combat. Return home only to vote.

3. Set aside personal goals. Your extra money must now go towards weapons, purchased from Canadian suppliers. Any gold must go towards Victory Bonds.

4. Never give up. In any war, the aggressor wins the opening innings. Pearl Harbour. France. The aggressor then attempts to make the defender lose hope and give up. All the defender needs to do is resist that temptation and fight on. Victory for our side will require protracted effort, but what else is there for us? Defeat is only temporary, and slavery is worse than death.

Already we have won some battles. The ratio of victories to defeats will see-saw but slowly turn more and more toward us. We will repel the invaders and then we shall show them the true folly of attacking Canadians.

SR Vol 2, Number 1