Current Political Affairs + Interview with Stan Wephen!

Day 393, 07:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by aggrorager1456
It has recently been Party President elections, are you happy with the results?

As always, I'm happy that the party has shown an overwhelming vote of confidence in me. It's great that people do trust me with the party, and I intend to repay that trust, as I have done these past two months, by putting my all into making the PCP great.

Shortly before the elections you announced you were intending to step down, why?

I felt that running again in January would be one term too long. People want and need a change at times, and staying as Party President for this long will stagnate the party I feel. A change in leadership would be good to stimulate the party and bring it to a fresh new direction.

What are you planning to do after you step down?

I plan to go back to basics, back to doing the things I used to do and love. This will be eJouranlism and probably being part of a Council or a Regional Director. These were the first things I did with my eLife, and it'll be nice to go back to them. I intend of course to stay in the PCP, helping the next Party President and making sure everything goes smoothly.

Planning anything big before you go?

Well, you'll just have to wait and see! I definitely intend to make sure the PCP Committees get underway and are well established in time for the next Party President. Otherwise, I just intend to get my head down and keep on doing the job I love.

How is the congressman training going?

It's going great, I've got 5 great willing candidates who are learning the ropes of congress, and I'm more than happy of course to take on anyone else who wants to learn! It's great seeing the next generation of the eUK Government, and even more exciting being part of its creation.

How do you feel about the TUP/UKRP coalition?

I think its a mistake. Squiddy and JerryGFL made a major mistake introducing it in my opinion. However, I'm not particularly bothered by it - the PCP has always relied on its own strengths and merits rather than the weaknesses of the other parties, and I think the electorate will see that. The PCP will win elections not through slander but through hard work and dedication.