Cue stevie wonder...dont you worry about a thing pretty mama

Day 1,774, 03:38 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Locke
music for the mood Emurrika..stick with it through the first 35 seconds

You'll have to open the music in new window. Then sit back, light a candle, and let Stevie speak to your soul/groin area.

This is a game. I know that there are some that would disagree, that would like to argue that this is somehow important, but it is, in fact, a game. It is a simulation of the world in which we live our real life, complete with sun and fresh air for most (some) of us. With that said, it's a fun game, because being a simulation requires some degree of immersion. It requires a certain detachment from reality, and lets face it, reality SUCKS.

As fingerguns so beautifully put it in her article here, there is no room for nuance in a game. There are good guys and bad guys, dependant upon your stance, and you should call them what they are. People like Fingerguns, the Feds, and all rational people who have the ability to look at evidence and actually think, know that in the current situation facing our little eworld, the good guy is easy to find. It's America. Our country, our military, our government, and our parties. The bad guy is a little bit harder to pin down, because RGR likes to use half truths.

He'll tell you that the United States is "fighting against itself in Mexico". And he is right about that, but he doesn't follow it up with the truth that we were forced to do that to protect ourselves from RGR and his AFA/Zombie Party. He'll tell you that he stands up to "the elites" that block all of us from power, but he doesn't tell you that he only does this in cartoons, such as this one. So, lets talk.

RGR, you are greatly

Here are the true facts of Ajay / RGR. We will just focus on the very beginning, as it is important to see why he is

1.) You ran for congress twice in Colorado. Both times you FAILED. Although you did manage to throw enough of a temper tantrum to get a player named Finnier banned.

2.)During your second run for congress, on day 579, you also decided that you should run for president. You FAILED, not even getting your conservative party to endorse you.

3.)After you failed, you threw another temper tantrum, and decided that you should tell everyone that Emerick was a real life convict. This is two things: Creepy and shameful. But then again, it's not the first time you've taken things to far in Real Life when it comes to erepublik is it?

4.)You ran for Party president against Mattoze5........and FAILED. You threw another temper tantrum, this time blaming Pfeiffer. If Pfeiffer actually screwed you 😉 as many times as you say he has, we should make a national holiday for him.

Fingerguns wondering what makes RGR so good at failing

5.)You founded the Conservative Victory Party, yet ran for president under the Liberal Democratic Party against Harrison Richardson, Emerick, Joshua Hoss, and Chris Maliwacki.......and FAILED. You got 7% of the vote...not that great for a "legend".

6. The CVP, the party you started.....was taken over by Jaxon Leith. You couldn't even hold on to a party that you started!! LOL. And people wonder why the AFA doesn't concern me.

7.)You attempted to become a party president in three different countries (America, S. Africa, and Austrailia) on the SAME DAY!! And btw, for all you kool aid drinkers, the man who claims to be soooo conservative had a multi...with Barack Obama as the avatar. This led to Ajay being banned, for having four accounts. That we know of. There are some (a lot) of people who think that Winston L. S. Churchill was one of your accounts as well. But I digress. So again, Ajay, you FAILED.

Apparently she REALLY likes it when I go off on Ajay

Now he deals with terrorist. While I would be worried if this was someone that knew what they are doing, this is Ajay friggin Bruno we're dealing with! This is literally the ONLY guy in the world that can screw this opporotunity he has up. And he will...because as you can see, he has done nothing but epically FAIL.

This picture is just for you Ajay, I know how much you loved Ronald Reagan/mujahideen supporter.

So cheer up America! No worries! We've got the best person for the job on our side, The man who is only good at Failing......Ajay Bruno.