CRU party structure:

Day 394, 07:55 Published in Czech Republic Croatia by gordan_g

Party president(gordan_g):-Alfa and omega
-Chooses the party structure
-Makes the party manifest.The party manifest must be done until the 20th of the month.
-Gets the weekly report from the party vice president.

Party vice president(radim):-Makes a weekly report about the party and sends it to the president.
-Confirms the party structure
-First on the congress elections list
-May make a vote forparty president impeachment,the rules are the same as for a country president impeachment(party members vote).
-Must make sure that the party president follows the party manifest.

Party Speaker(Moshe Fisher):-makes party announcements with a signature of the party president and his name.The party announcement must be written by the party president.
-is obligated to make every two weeks a article containing the party slogan and the link to the party forum.

Welcome commite(open):-Is obligated to send a letter to new party members containing a message from the party president.(this function might sound like ''only work and no payment'' but a someone like this could be the next big candidate on the party elections.

I need the signs of Radim and Moshe Fisher if they accept their new positions.

Also positions tagged as (open) are open for signing in,also to sign in you must be a CRU member.