Creativitya running for Congress in Ohio

Day 1,521, 02:08 Published in USA Bulgaria by Creativitya

Wow, it has been so long since I last wrote an article, and I think there is no better reason for me to write another one, than to announce my congressional run.

As you may notice I dont have any experience as a congressman. Who am I? What have I been doing all this time, since joining the eRepublik community? I started using the nickname Creativitya a while back, and it really stands for creativity but since it was already taken I decided "hell, i'l just add an "a" in the end" and never looked back.

My nationality is Bulgarian and I started as such , but taking a eUSA citizenship was inevitable for me , so after a month or so i was cruising in my brand new Q5 tank on American soil.Joined the eUS Training Corps stayed there for a while, advanced to MSG of 313th Platoon , gathered valuable experience , wandered around only to find myself in the Airbourne ( my eLife long ambition).The rest , as they say,is history.

AMP is so awesome ,that im proud to be running under their banner. What I intend to do as a congressman (If elected) is honestly a mystery to me right now,but nobody was born all-knowing (though as of late different sources tell me that Dio is). What i want to do is start a new campaign for helping younger players, and ofcourse work closely with the government on attracting possible new benefactors to this great community.Through the course of the term I will do everything in my powers to bring in new insights and contribute.
Thank you for baring through my boring article

And ofcourse