Congressional Voting Record: First Trimester, July '09

Day 593, 13:39 Published in USA USA by Chris Stanwick

As promise during my campaign, I am writing today to the citizens of Alaska with my Congressional voting record. The first ten days of the current term have already been very busy, with thirty proposals submitted for vote.

New Citizen Fee: Raise from $5 to $5.04 - Voted No
Minimum Wage: Raise from $1 to $500 - Voted No
Weapon Import Tax Change: 25% to 26% - Voted No
Food Import Tax Change: 18% to 19% - Voted No
Diamonds Import Tax Change: 1% to 49% - Voted No
House Import Tax Change: 25% to 99% - Voted No
Defense System Import Tax Change: 1% to 99% - Voted No
Wood Import Tax Change😛 10% to 99% - Voted No
Grain Import Tax Change😛 1% to 20% - Voted No
Donate to Congressional Budget Office - Voted Yes
Hospital Income Tax Change😛 20% to 21% - Voted No
Oil Import Tax Change😛 10% to 11% - Voted No
Gift Import Tax Change😛 25% to 10% - Voted Yes
Donate to Congressional Budget Office - Voted Yes
House Import Tax Change😛 25% to 7% - Voted Yes
Donate to Congressional Budget Office - Voted Yes
MPP with China - Voted Yes
Grain Import Tax Change: 1% to 5% - Voted No
Donate to Congressional Budget Office - Voted Yes
Trading Embargo on Hungary - Voted Yes
Donate to Congressional Budget Office - Voted Yes
Donate to Congressional Budget Office - Voted Yes
MPP with Croatia - Voted Yes
Place Q5 Hospital in Kansas - Voted Yes
MPP with Bosnia and Herzogovina - Voted Yes
Donate to Congressional Budget Office - Voted Yes
Minimum Wage: Raise from $1 to $5 - Voted No
Change New Citizen Message - Voted Yes
MPP with Israel - Voted Yes
Donate to Congressional Budget Office - Voted Yes
Change New Citizen Message - Voted Yes

During my first ten days in office, I have been extremely active, posting nearly 1000 posts in the forums on a wide range of topics. I spearheaded the change of the new citizen welcome message, reorganizing the welcoming committee board on the US forum so as to be the one-stop source of all information a new citizen needs. I was appointed to the Foreign Relations Advisory Committee, and continue to research and advise on our nation's foreign policy.

I welcome any questions and input from my constituents. I am here to serve you and our nation.