Congressional Presentation

Day 2,159, 20:14 Published in USA USA by Dr Sarin

Chinese Proverb states that “Give a man to fish, you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you'll feed him for a lifetime.” The key to properly empowering the citizens of the United States both young and old is through not providing for them in a sense of total libertarianism, but to use the effects of a cross breed of social-capitalism to enable them the ability to provide for themselves.

We as a government must set in motion proper safety nets and cost effective incentives for new players that go further beyond the standard conventional approaches laid out to us by a government long past. By stalling the retention of the world’s many new daily citizens we are in fact negating a prime opportunity to better stimulate our markets through a flow of new buyers who strive to increase growth in order to achieve the similar goal sought by all American’s, the essence of the american dream… Self sustainability.

I make no reference to rewarding solely the player based on individual achievement. In the proverb discussed at the beginning of my article there always seems to be a forgotten second person; the fisherman. The fisherman enables the hungry man with his new found skill the same way a party or military unit may provide a vital skill to a player hungary to become involved in the management and defence of his or her country.

My intention is to use the superior skills of economic and political comprehension gifted to me by the Liberty Action Party (LAP), its current Party President Irule777, and the other members of the party executive, to campaign for a seat in the United States Congress. Clearly, my campaign will be coordinated under their guide.

Further contact can be made with me through In-game message, or through finding me on Rizon IRC in #LAP.

I look forward to any future interaction we may have.

Dr Sarin