Congressional "Political Purity" Program

Day 1,129, 10:51 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

The Revolution Is NOT Just Pure Role Play

This is going to be my favorite article I've ever written.

The ideas and driving forces behind the Revolution and Frost's America are activity, education and involvement. It is my goal as Subcommandante to bring the Revolution to each and every citizen. Grand Inquisitor Onishi/Kid_A will be assisting in this regard by providing methods for regular citizens to become more active and involved in the everyday operation of Frost's America. I will be tasked with getting higher profile citizens and members of government more involved with citizen outreach.

The first goal of the Revolution, activity, is off to a great start, thanks in part to the Libertarians (most notably CRoy and Claire Littleton) for taking part in a high-profile discussion of sorts concerning the Revolution. It's time to turn this initial burst of energy into something more... productive.

Announcing... A New Method for Congress

I am very excited to announce that starting with the 37th Congress I will be spearheading a program to increase the effectiveness of Congress with regards to new citizen outreach and retention. Every member of Congress is encouraged to participate in this program and it is open to everyone running for Congress regardless of party membership.

New citizens will be messaged by their representatives in Congress on a daily basis. This process will be aided by a little technology: from the API members of Congress will be able to pull a list of new citizens in their state which will then be dumped into a mass messenger application. The messages will be personalized and contain a list of organizations and people to send friend requests. Once the Interior Department programs get the friend request they will be able to do their thing, be it education, rescue or other activities. The friend requests will also give us the ability to reach citizens more widely via shouts, something we haven't actively coordinated before.

I have asked those citizens running for Congress who inquired with me about an endorsement to fill out an application form. I am pleased to announce my endorsement for the following candidates:

Shermain - Delaware
Hadrian X - Georgia
Andy Costello - New Jersey
Jelly9473 - Indiana
Max Palin - Utah
Texas_ironman93 - District of Columbia
ArcNox - Missouri
Animis - Iowa

These candidates have pledged to conduct new citizen outreach, wear a special avatar denoting their participation in the program, and their political neutrality regarding fellow citizens.

At this point I will also open up the Endorsement Application form to all candidates and after I receive your answers I will add your name to my endorsement list. Here's the form:

Vote for PigInZen for Congress in Pennsylvania!

As a member of the upcoming Congressional session I will work to make Congress more responsive to the needs of citizens. The current impression of Congress is that it does nothing. That's not true, however, impressions are difficult to overcome. I will make it my personal agenda to change that impression and make Congress an important part of citizen outreach and education programming.

Vote for PigInZen. Pennsylvania. On Christmas Day.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

¡Viva la Revolucion!
¡Viva la Frost!
¡Viva Frost's America!

Join or die. E Pluribus Unum.