Congress is a Joke.

Day 789, 03:34 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I proposed a new tax increase on weapons today. I guess from what I've read in congress you post a thread that is up for debate and its seconded yada yada yada. Yeah I skipped all that s@%t pretty fast.
I'm going to debate for a week with guys who will shoot this down immediately for there own best interests. Why do you ask.
Many congressman in govt run weapons companies that are oversea's.
They use cheap slave labour to produce guns and ship them to us. To bad there not as patriotic as most in govt should be like myself.
I buy my grain weekly from some serbian in shoddy clothes. So do many others. Take a peek at donations lists.
I did start off with a big speel on being a jackass in congress. But %&$# those guys are boring. I think this month is a record for guys that just walked away. I won't walk away because.

Yeah thats my reason to stay deal with it.

Canada has the workforce and the companies to supply its own demand for weapons.

Reasons that they'll shoot this down to save there own skins.

-We may need more weapons incase of a big war.

Currently Canada has to many weapons companies and thats why the price of guns is cheap. Domestic weapons company owners would be happy. Talk to your congressman who's looking out for number #1. Plus it can be overturned in 24hrs incase of emergency.

You didn't go through the proper channels.

You didn't give us a chance to fight you in the parliament to stop what will harm our business ventures. therefore i will vote against it and tell all my friends in govt to vote against it to.

You paid 20$ for a 5$ hooker.

Congressman are only in it for themselves.

You think they give a rats ass about the average voter?
Most of the older players are protecting there finacial holdings. Citizen B is a good example. Guy is from new york IRL with an empire who uses newbs to his advantage. That Moff guy is another who makes Q5 guns in greece for canada. These guys are helping themselves and making money.
Grab them by the you know what and make them pay for your vote in private. Next election tell them in a pm that you want cash for a vote. They can't use private pm's against you. Its against the rules. Tell these fat lazy businessman that you want some cash. When I was a newb do what I did when I got my first PM from Citizen B. Tell him to go F himself.

This article was much worse than it is now. I decided to edit and remove some good old harsh language as they'll report it for that reason to take it down. They don't want you to know the truth.

I will have a follow up article after this one asking why they voted the way they did as well as those that had no comment or refused to reply with there name, party and where they ran.

There's no one with the balls to lead a charge against the uk in war. I'm considering running for president just so I can place on my platform the natiional goal of taking London.

We lost or country because Bruck made war on the french. But we also has the biggest boom and activity level during WW3 because he made war. This country needs war and not just a bunch of panzies that follow economics in govt. War is good for the economy and it will bring in alot of foreigners looking to kick some UK ass as much as we do.

Every time a brit dies a Crimson Canuck earned his wings. I advocate war and revenge. I expect my forum congressman duties are now done or atleast banned for some length of time.