Congress for noobs.

Day 1,526, 17:40 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by naxhi26

For all new kiwis in this world, congress elections are coming up, so as a treat, here is how the elections work.

Congress or parliament in some countries is the legislative body for erepublik. They with the president make decisions regarding tax rate, war, and political matters.

In order to get elected, you must be lvl 15, and part of a party. The congressional elections are every month. Nominations start 10 days from election, and on the final day, the PP of the party will make the final decision of who's running for the party. If you nominate, you can nominate in the four regions of eNZ. So each region will have its own election for congress in that part.

If you do get elected, then you get an award first, afterwords, you get to participate in congressional decisions. You'll be working among other congress members and the President himself!

Getting ENDORSED by the party makes you a primary person to be elected, so try to be endorsed.

Some congressional members are selected for being part of the presidents cabinet, like Minister of Defense, Minister of Info.

So this is the tutorial of how congress works.