[Challenge the System] Congress Analysis Report

Day 2,228, 23:49 Published in Norway Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Hey everyone! Im back with the next Congress Monthly Report. Just a little something about the results of our elections and comparing them to the previous elections. I just want to note this is not the view of the Government or any party and represents nothing but the math and my own personal opinions. I apologize for any mistakes there may be in the math but I am pretty sure it is all correct. Lets first take a look at the comparisons from November to December first.

November 2013

#1 Teknockatene 19votes or 28.36%

#2 Free Liberty 13votes or 19.40%

#3 TP The Party 12votes or 17.91%

#4 Norwegian Communist League 12votes or 17.91%

#5 Bondepartiet 11votes or 16.42%

December 2013

#1 Teknockatene 19votes or 31.67%

#2 Bondepartiet 15votes or 25%

#3 Norwegian Communist League 11votes or 18.33%

#4 Free Liberty 9votes or 15%

#5 TP The Party 6votes or 10%

As you can see there were some big changes during these elections. Some interesting results which could have a number of factors playing into them. Lets analyze each individual party and perhaps why their vote has changed.

Overall: Ovote change or -3.31%

Well some good news and bad news for Teknockatene. The good news is they didn't do any worse than they did last election. Bad news, they haven't been able to reverse their downward trend as they have only been dropping votes since the August elections. Still they remain the dominant party however some change is needed if they want to make sure that they don't want to lose any votes next term. Perhaps more party activity? With 32 members and 19 votes thats a 59.38 member turnout. All together they send a large block of members to Congress all of whom are not surprisingly older members who continue to hold onto their seats.

Elected Members

ivan europe

Overall: +4votes or +8.58%
They were Novembers biggest losers but have now become Decembers biggest winners. They seem to be really good at being able to rebound quickly and capture votes when needed. Bondepartiet are really good at making sure all members turn out to vote because with 15 votes and 15 members that means a 100% voter turn out. Following suite with Teknockatene they are sending the Government some well seasoned Congress Members as well.

Elected Members

Che Kukaken
Kristoph Woldskji
Marco Van Tassen

Norwegian Communist League
Overall: -1vote or +0.42%

Although losing a vote the NCL have been able to climb one spot from #4 best showing in elections to #3. With 11 out of 12 members voting that turns into a 91.67 turn out. A different factor coming into this election for the NCL was the influence of the recent Irish "immigrants." (Note that when I say immigrants, they did not actually immigrate but terminated their accounts and restarted here.) It even resulted in one of them being elected to Congress. One might of thought this would have contributed to their result but it really only helped them hang onto their status quo as they have continued overall to lose party members. If anything it could of perhaps hurt them.

WP Attak
Dead Reaper
Emanuil 13
Magnus Barelegs

Free Liberty
Overall: -4votes or -4.40%

It seems Free Liberty and Bondepartiet like to switch positions a lot as was seen in the last elections. With 14 members 9 managed to cast ballots which turns out to a 64.23% turn out which is a better turn out than Norway's largest party however with a big difference in party membership that doesn't become a factor. The drop in votes can be attributed to the recent decrease in party activity. Not to sound egotistic but I kept party activity high when I was there and after I left it really hasn't been kept up which could be contributions to the failure of Free Liberty to maintain their spot as the #2 party from last elections. On the bright side 2/3 of the Congress Members are still relatively new to being in Congress as they are both serving their 2nd terms, their firsts being last month.

Elected Members

G. Admiral Thrawn
Jasper Zuidema

TP The Party
Overall: -6votes or -7.91%

These results are the most shocking of all. The Party has been able to maintain itself usually in the middle of the pack during elections but have slipped drastically. They literally lost half their votes from the last elections and with just 6 votes casted out of a possible 13 that is just 46.15% of members turning out to cast ballots. To be honest I never seen this coming and there is no obvious reasons to why their vote dropped so much. Sure they don't have as many members as they once did but neither do most of the parties. Perhaps a failure to attract new members or maybe the usual members they do have, have just not been that active this month as it is Christmas. Overall they will contribute another two veteran Members to Congress.

Elected Members

Chepe Nolon

Why Norway's Congress Fails
From my own recent time working with different Congress's in Norway I can say that they remain largely inactive here in Norway which is truly sad. Maybe were just electing people who seek the medal and reward? I would like to see more parties encouraging and committing to putting forth some newer and younger citizens to Congress. How many times are we going to see the same old people elected and nothing getting done? Ive said it before and I will say it again, if people are expected to be here for years to gain a name that some of you have now, than you can expect them to leave just as quickly as they arrived. Norway has gotten lazy in its election process. I expect their to be backlash from these comments but hear this. Those that will complain will most likely be the people who come back to Congress time and time again without contributing much and are probably scared to lose their nice comfy seat in Congress, their medal and their 5gold reward.

Take the commune situation that I started during my term for example. I was left handicapped by Congress because not many members were active. During taulens campaign he even said that if I were elected again that he believed I would still not be able to complete a commune system which seems like it is also something he faces during his term, and why? Because everyone gave up on the discussions and could not be bothered to help our President complete the communes that will benifit everyone who needs to use the communes and the state. taulen has done a lot of the work already and needs help to complete the program yet Congress remains silent. A proper commune system like this will maximize Norway's impact on the battle field but of course Norway's Congress is its Achilles heel.

Your are elected by the Norwegian people, you are payed on salary 5gold or roughly 1000cc a month to make the best decisions and to actively participate in discussions and the planning of programs such as the commune program. Now do your damn job or donate the cash to the people you robbed of their votes.

Joshua's Challenge
I want to issue this challenge to all parties. Help raise and include your younger members and actually put them higher on your lists for the next election. Younger members will often surprise you and bring with them fresh ideas, and a fresh way of doing things. Its time, Ive reserved some seats in the retirement home for those of you willing to step aside for a while to help bring up Norway's next generation of leaders. Norway's Government is on life support and fresh blood is CPR.

Bring on the trolls, I am only challenging the system that is rendering our nation powerless against itself.

As always don't forget to V,S&S!


Joshua Morriseau