Congratulations Napoleon54, the new EDEN SC! | Urime Napoleon54 SC i ri i EDEN!

Day 1,668, 14:53 Published in Albania Albania by Roger Griswald

Versjoni Shqip Me Posht

Today is a proud day for the eNation of Albania and will be remembered as a proud day for all eAlbanians. It is the day that one of our own was elected Supreme Commander of the EDEN Alliance.

As the youngest eNation in the game, we have experienced many problems and faced many challenges as we have grown and advanced. From our humble beginnings we have grown into a strong force in the Balkans and continue to help our young citizens develop into powerful tanks and titans of industry. Throughout this journey one man has stood as a guide for our development above all others, he has help our country face its foes and has helped build our network of allies. Through dedication and hard work he helped lead our eNation as our CP for five consecutive terms.

Perhaps it is fitting then, that the day following one of our eNations greatest military successes (freeing ourselves from months of occupation under FYROM-occupation), Nepoleon54 was elected Supreme Commander of the EDEN Alliance. While we will miss his guidance, we are glad to see our global alliance gain the experience, hard-work and determination that Napoleon54 brings to the work he does.

On behalf of eAlbania, we proudly lend one of our own to help the EDEN Alliance grow under the leadership of Napoleon54. May he strengthen the alliance as he has our eNation.

Hail eAlbania!
Hail EDEN!

In solidarity,

Roger Griswald
eAlbania MoFA


Sot esht dit e Lavdishme per popullin e eAlbania, dhe do te mbahet mend si dit e Lavdishme per te gjith eShqiptaret. Eshte dita kur njeri nga ne u zgjodh Supreme Commander i aleances EDEN.

Si eKombi me i ri ne loj kemi hasur shum probleme dhe sfida rruges se zhvillimit. Nga Fillimi Jon kemi avancuar ne force te lavdishme ne ballkan dhe vazhdojm ti ndihmojm lojtaret e rij qe ti kthejm ne luftetar te fort dhe titan te industris. Gjat Keti udhetimi nje personi qendroj si udhrrefyes per zhvillim mbi gjith te tjeret duke i ndihmuar shtetit dhe aleateve duke ndihmuar per krijimin e nje Vllezerie. Me dedikimin e tij dhe punen e palodhshme ndihmoj ne udh`heqjen e eShtetit si ePresident gjat 5 mandateve.

Ndoshta edhe na pershtatet , qe dita qe vijoj ishte nje nga sukeset me te medha ushtarake ( lirimi i jon nga okupimi mujor i FYROM ) Napoleon54 u zgjidh Supreme Commander i aleances EDEN. Nderkoh qe do te na mungoj udheqsia e tij , jemi te kenaqur te shohim aleancen ton te fitoj eksperienc pun te palodhshme dhe bindjen qe Napoloen54 e sjell me vete.

Ne emere te eShqipris, ne me krenari jua japim nje nga njerzit tan qe ti ndihmoj aliances EDEN te rritet edhe me shum nen udheqsin e Napoleon54
E Forcoft Vellezirin e EDEN si qe ndihmoj eShtetin ton

Hail EDEN!
Hail eAlbania!

In solidarity,

Roger Griswald
eAlbania MoFA
Translated by ManiiakK