Concerning Clan Wolf

Day 2,205, 07:18 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Leo Balzac


The Challenge Facing You

First off I'm not going to pretend that I'm a party member, I mean, I'm IN the party but I'll never truly be a Wolf Cub. This does not mean that my eyes are closed to the issues facing your party.

Some party members may say that I'm not trying to help, that I'm only trying to help the 'PTO'; that I am a 'Traitor' and 'TWO lover'; Well that's bullcrap. I've been an opponent of AFK/CW since its birth, it's true; my opposition wasn't out of spite or hatred for particular personalities, however but over a fundamental difference in how I think this game should be played.


A Brief History

The AFK/CW was created by Tyrael Snow, a player whose ambition for power was rivaled only by his love of Game of Thrones references. His main platform consisted of a rallying cry to all the 'two-clickers' out there, players who did not want to engage in IRC or the Forums, let alone play any of the meta-game. He was very successful with this strategy and almost won the CP chair a couple of times, being narrowly beaten out on those occasions. It was this radical shift away from the mediums I found most engaging that I opposed. I did not think you could have a healthy and vibrant community based solely within eRep.

These days, it can be seen that staying in-game only can work, not as well in my opinion, but it can. At the time, however, at lot of us were concerned with this new power and it's potentially damaging effect on our eNation. I opposed AFK/CW strongly because of this, gaining a few nemeses in the process (What does the Fox say) but this does not mean I cannot work with others, as I helped guide CW and MDP to an uneasy alliance to oppose the Usurper from the South.

Stop Rambling Old Man!

The Point of All This
What I'm trying to say here is that over the year(s?) I've learned to respect CW for being a voice for a class of player I had previously written off as being unimportant. I see CWs place in our esociety and welcome their thoughts and opinions on matters important to our nation.

The party that I've come to respect is now under threat, and I'm not talking about Toad as we all know his month long troll will be over soon, ending with him being turfed to the curb by the CW voter; what I'm talking about is far more insidious than a lulzy PTO.

The party feed has been filled lately with calls to take part in a 'PP Primary' something that I feel is a complete sham and an attempt at high jacking the voice of the party at large. This 'Primary' is an open poll accessible to any member of CW, I've voted 3 times in fact. This is where my concern lies. If the hosts of this Primary *Cough, IPC, Cough* wanted a truly open and democratic vote for the next PP, they'd simply declare their candidacy, write an article or two, send a few PMs and let the chips fall where they may. Instead, they have opened a Primary for an election that ANY party member can run in, in order to 'annoint' the next PP.

This is not democracy, this is an attempted high-jacking of the party you have all worked so hard to build and create, the thugs behind these actions aren't concerned about preventing another 'PTO' but only in solidifying their power once again. I would urge all CW members to boycott the primary and to instead, vote with their mind come the 15th. Vote for the person running who best exemplifies the qualities CW embraces, not for some failed ex-MDPers who jump from party to party, using it's body as a host for their own nefarious desires. That is all IPC was, after all.

So, when the PP elections come to pass, I will be voting for a through and through CWer, someone who's been in the party a long time, someone who will stick up for the 'two-clickers'. I suggest you all do the same.