Day 865, 18:34 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Nice guy huh?

After reading the media today and seeing disrespect and trolling from our supposed allies for weeks, I've had enough. We made a decision to leave EDEN and now the reasons are becoming painfully clear.

IF you wanna invade the US fellas, then by all means do it. We drop over 2 million damage routinely and if ya'll wanna bring it to our homeland we will fight to the death with everything we have. Better be careful what you wish for boys, our soldiers and citizens have been itching to get in a real fight, we stand ready.

There is a saying that we Americans live by, you all should try to live up to it sometimes....

I hope you all actually have the cojones to bring the fight to us, we would love a huge babyboom from it 😃. I guess its all true, you find out who your friends are. Now we know and it will be remembered. Our military has sacrificed much in support of our supposed friends, to me this is the ultimate breech of whatever inkling of a friendship our countries once had.

America is a beast when you piss us off..... it would pay for you to remember that. Don't F* with Chuck

COME GET SOME, PLZ, DO IT. Unite the fire and the will of our great nation, I dare you.