Colombian Socialist Leader Resists PEACE War Moves

Day 656, 15:14 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule
Colombian Socialist Leader Resists PEACE War Moves

juan pablo arboleda, the founder of a.n.t, a socialist organization in Colombia, has been the victim of a political persecution because he published an article denouncing the PEACE conspiracy to start a war of agression involving Mexico, Colombia and the USA.

He correctly pointed out to the e-Colombian people that they were being used as pawns by the PEACE warlords. The words that got him hounded out of e-Colombia were those of an honest and free man (translated from Spanish):

"This strange war is merely part of a strategy of PEACE, adding reinforcements to a war that it has already lost."

"We will be used as cannon fodder in their war."

"Every battle you fight in Mexico is hammering a nail in the coffin of our nation."

"I never believed in alliances to defend the sovereignty of our country, now not only do not believe in them, but these partnerships are also going to lead us into the abyss."

Comrade arboleda has left Colombia and come to the USA to the fight against PEACE.

A warm welcome to juan pablo and congratulations to a.n.t. for opposing imperialism in all of its forms!