Coincidence !

Day 1,985, 06:37 Published in Turkey Turkey by akcadag45

Edit: I am waiting explanation from XtaSia, about what i wrote true or not !
Edit2: Do you think is that EPIC action from admins ?
Edit3: If you start scratch something you will find more!

Mic check one two one two one two

Dear friends ,as you know we have new missions(or another way to take our Euro's) This missions added on 26.April.2013 - with erep time ''day 1984'' 00:45/01:00 ,
Till here everything is normal.We want new missions from Admins and they gave us new missions.Thank you very much!

Here is my problem, there is 1 Mission win CH medal and reward is 4 big bombs + 100 energy bar (really good rewards) BUT if you want to take a CH medal you have to hit minumum 200m-250m-300m This damages for normal players BUT if you are an ADMIN of this FAIR! game you can finish this mission with 83m.

HOW ? Hear my dear lovely Admin XtaSia answers this question :

War finished at 03:05:03 with erep time !(very important)(total 11 rounds)
She started hitting avarage 23:00 - 23:30 with erep time

And I think she is fighting for Iran to save them 😃
1:30 hour before new missions!

Again to save Iran 😃

And here is the COINCIDENCE
She made her best damage for IRAN day 1984 😃

And here another Coincidence 74m max damage for CH medal from Bogdan Adamutz
on day 1984 !

Another Erepublik stuff(he said that he is not working anymore)

Point is why i wrote this article??My dear friends you spent your bars,golds,damages,weapons to finish this mission , but they knew all missions, Still you think this game is FAIR ??

Türkçe özeti; görevler başlamadan oyun personelinin CH madalyasını nasıl az damage ile alması

If you want to shout it
here is the link:

Coincidence about Fair Erepublik

(sorry for my bad english)