Civil War (ez way to end eSerbia) ! (SRB/ENG)

Day 1,763, 08:59 Published in Serbia USA by Apache983


Muzicka podloga za uvod 🙂

Dame i gospodo, srbomrsci, hrvati, strani placenici, deserti (svojih 5 golda za reklamu hocu na racun u eswiss banci u roku od 24h ili cu poceti da "pevam" 😃 ), ameri, TEDEN, Plato etc. ,

Citajuci nase esrpske novine i komentare istih dosao sam do logicnog zakljucka , koji cu podeliti sa svim anti srpski orijentisanim eljudima u ovoj nasoj browser igri za ubijanje vremena 🙂

Stvar je zaista prosta i logicna, esrbi kao i srbi u rl su po ponasanju isti, te ako vec ne mozete vojno da nas unistite uplatite mr. Plato odredjenu sumu novca i neka uvede novinu u erep kao sto je Civil War npr. 🙂

A zatim zavalite se u fotelje i posmatrajte kako esrbi sami sebe unistavaju! Svaka politicka stranka ce se boriti za svoj deo ove nase eSrbije a stranaka hvala bogu imamo bezbroj, o MU i da ne pricam 🙂

Tako da dame i gospodo ovo je provereni recept za sistematsko unistavanje Srbije kako u rl tako i ovde u igri. Apache je rekao , Haug!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, Serb haters, cromaniacs, foreign mercenaries, deserthamsters (5 gold for their advertisement i want in eswiss bank account within 24 hours or I will start to "talk": D) U.S., TEDEN, Plato etc. ,

After reading of our eSerbian newspapers and coments in same, iv realised one logical conclusion, wich ill share with all anti serbian oriented eppl in this ours browser game for timewaste 🙂

Its rly simple and logical, eserbs like serbs in rl are by behaviour same, so when u cant defeate them by ingame millitary power, just visit Mr. Plato with bag of rl cash and make him bring Ciwil War into a game 🙂

And then sit back and watch the eSerb's destroy themselves! Each political party will fight for their share of our eSerbia, thank goodness we have countless number of political parties not to mention number of MU 🙂

So ladies and gentleman this is working recipe for sistematic destroying of Serbia in rl as in this game. Apache has spoken, Haug!!!