China, We Are Here For You

Day 812, 19:13 Published in China Canada by Derek Harland

Hello citizens of China, I am the eCanadian Minister of Defence. Today, Russia attacked you in Liaoning which the United States and EDEN helped get back to you from your Phoenix/PEACE opressors in Iran. While the current results of the battle are favouring Russia, don't fear! eCanada is here for you and we are using our whole military as well as our civilians to fight for your country in the defence of Liaoning from Russia. Our two countries recently signed an MPP which allows us to fight for your country and we will do so to the best of our ability. We will not rest until China is completely liberated and regains all the regions they have lost from enemies in Phoenix.

The battle for Liaoning is located here:

Our entire Canadian Armed Forces has relocated from the USA and is fighting for your country to show our support in this time of war. Our citizens are also fighting hard in Liaoning and are instructed to fight nowhere else. We believe in a free China and a liberated China so we can see the imperialism of Phoenix be put to an end!

Hail China!
Hail Canada!
Hail EDEN!

-Derek Harland,
Minister of Defence