Cheetah's 6 Tips for New Politicians

Day 2,086, 07:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

I know a lot of you new players are always looking to become the next CP of the eUK, or the run your own party. You can't always rush into the top roles so you need to be patient and build your way up to the top. Whatever way you want to succeed in eUK politics, these 6 tips can meet your needs.

Tip 1: Talk To Those In Power
If you want to be the country president, don't be scared to ask them a few questions about their role. Same with Congress or party presidents. Most players in these roles will help out newer players, but don't be put off if they don't answer you as certain roles can get demanding at times. How will you know it is the position for you if you don't know what goes on in it?

Tip 2: Publish One Or Two Political Articles
If the eUK goes to war, maybe you could write an article about your views on that. If there is an impeachment proposal going through Congress you could give your views on that. Writing articles and doing a bit of background research before will give you more knowledge in politics. More experienced players will also often comment below your article which can open up a small debate. You might find that people are asking you to join their political party afterwards.

Tip 3: Help Out In Government
The government has several ministries including Home Affairs, Health, Defence and Foreign Affairs. Working in any of these ministries will give you experience in that field and politics overall. Ask the person in charge of the ministry that you want to go into if you can help out. Certain ministries like the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Foreign Affairs(if the Ambassador Program is running) will need volunteers all the time, so just get involved.

Tip 4: Learn eRepublik's Abbreviations and Acronyms
For new players this can get very confusing because there are so many. You have probably heard people saying things like "Do your DO" or "I'm playing with the MM", both of which sound very confusing. If you want to understand everyone in eRepublik I recommend Max Blue's recent article. You can find many abbreviations and acronyms in it.

Tip 5: Try To Avoid Trolling
Even though a lot of older players do it, you will find most of the recent CP's are ones that have stayed out of trolling as much as possible. If you upset one half of the country you are relying on 50% to vote for you which isn't always going to happen, try to keep friendly and make some friends. Don't follow what the trolls are doing, set your own trend.

Tip 6: Join A Party With Your Own Beliefs
Don't join a party just for bribes or because they are the biggest, it wont get you as far. Join a party because their policies match your beliefs. Don't be afraid to join a party outside the top 5 as well, with member count in parties so close you have a good chance of getting into Congress. A lot of people have joined the big parties and not had their voice heard, you can choose your own party and you choose whether you want your voice to be heard.

This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 6th of August 2013. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.