Cheaters? Flamers? Orly?

Day 1,511, 06:05 Published in Serbia Serbia by bandigarf

Za sve vas koji ne razumete članak: learn2english.

I'm sure all of you have seen (or heard rumours of) bots created by some automated means (scripts) or manually created multies fighting somewhere, working as slaves for minimal wage, transferring all of their money to a higher level player, voting on elections...

You might already know who I am, or maybe not, but here's some info that might shock you: people in this game cheat! 😮 Yes, they do! And I'm not saying this as a random accusation without having any real proof. I'm a moderator / multi-hunter, and am slowly being counted as an old and experienced one. While not allowed to publish any direct proofs, and state who cheated, in which way, and how much, I asked one of the admins for permission to publish some numbers and received a positive reply, with a condition that I must maintain an impartial attitude, without directly accusing any side. EDIT: I was asked to remove the exact numbers.

So, here it goes: A few thousand Famous Points (as some people like to call them), a few thousand permanent bans and a bunch of others, making it a quite high overall number of penalties during the last year. You still breathing? Yes, these are my numbers only, and I'm not the only moderator / multi-hunter around. On average, this is almost 1k per month (and would have been 1k+, had I not gone on a vacation during the summer). You still think that people don't cheat, flame, insult, and do other things defined as illegal? Think again...

And while you're thinking, also think about who the cheaters are? Is it alliance A, alliance B, country X, country Y, some specific MU, political party, a random group of people? Short answer: all of them. So, next time you start accusing "you are cheaters, we're not!" (where you and we is defined however you want), think again! Are only they the ones that cheat, and are you 100% clean? I don't think so.

When 50 votes get removed from 150 total in a small PTO-ed country, that's obvious. But, would you notice if 100 multies get banned from a country with 5k+ citizens? Would you notice 500 in such a country? Wars are constantly going on, people move from one country to another to fight in a resistance war, regions are conquered each day, making the citizens from that region transferred to another country. If you do notice, do you care? Do you care enough to try and stop the cheaters before they start doing it large-scale? Did you try talking to them and explain to them that cheating is wrong (and that eventually, they will get caught)? Did you try talking to people on #eRepublik channel on Rizon? Some moderators are there, and maybe they can take care of it right away. If there is nobody around with enough free time and/or high enough access levels (not all moderators are multi-hunters), send a ticket to report the issue. We're probably not as fast as you'd like us to be, but we'll eventually get to your ticket and take care of it. And before you start raging at us not doing anything, keep in mind that higher level and/or older citizens probably won't get banned right away. They usually get the illegal properties impounded the first time they get caught, and you, as a citizen, don't have a way of knowing what was impounded.

Also, try to remember that this game is also played by some minors, aged 14+. With that in mind, try to leave vulgarities out of the game. Also insults, flames based on geo-political situations from real life, and other similar contents. Yes, this is a war game, but still try to keep your head cool when winning or losing. In December, a total of 2.137 forfeit points were given for various articles and comments breaking the 1st eRepublik Law. Do you people really not have enough such problems in the real world that you have to bring them here as well? The only automated penalty for reaching a certain amount of FPs is a content block, but that doesn't mean that other, harsher, penalties aren't applied when you cross the line.

When battles are won by using illegal means, are you really a winner? Such a victory sounds very bitter to me, both to the winner, and to the loser. I know the saying "desperate times call for desperate measures", but these times are not that desperate. Instead of cheating, how about gathering your community around a common goal? A person that does this will be remembered in a far greater light than a cheater that wins a couple of battles. I have been here for almost 3 years, I know what I'm talking about.

The short version of this article: pretty much every side cheats/flames/insults, and you're overdoing it. I'd like you to stop, or else... 😆

Oh, and don't forget to have fun! 😉

Your worst nightmare,

They see us bannin', they appealin'.