Canada Moving Forward

Day 2,815, 12:07 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

There is indecision about where to go with WT. The current decision is to drop it back to 5% if a certain amount is in the Treasury. Rylde stepped up with this article to help move things along. I considered doing the other 125k, then thought for a moment and figured while filling the need I wouldn't be "helping" the situation by doing the other half.

I know that not everyone has thousands of cc laying around, I'm not ignorant of the fact that most people buy little or no gold. I remember doing all sorts of things to get ahead when I first started. I understand.

125k was achievable for the active player base we still have, but in my opinion, it would have taken awhile to shake the cc loose. Leaving 25k for others to donate made the goal more readily obtainable but still requires some sacrifice of players that want to move on. People are starting to accept the fact that the whole eCountry cannot ride on the backs of a few individuals.

Finish The Job

At present we are still short 16,250 cc to move along with what is planned. This is not some insurmountable goal. Rylde is taking up the donations. If any concerns about that I will attest he won't steal your money. (In a drunken fit he might start some shiz on IRC and cause a war but that's another situation altogether. lol)

Rylde greeting people at a Foreign Affairs summit.


While I can't say that I'm ecstatic about some of the decisions being made lately I am however glad to see that people have stepped up and are trying. A slow steady infusion of new faces would have been preferable as there would have been less of a shock to the system, but that ship sailed a year ago.

Canada's old guard looks on.

It was to the point that there weren't enough familiar faces to fill all the chairs. My best advice to the 'new faces' would be to not ignore your elders, we did not ignore the players that were in charge before us. (Sometimes we laughed but still we considered what they said.)

Image taken at halfway point, 11:45 eRep time.

I think this is about the first CP election that could be considered interesting for quite some time. No tiresome mudslinging or goon squad attacks. No concerns about a PTO. Here's hoping that we can continue to progress toward a more normal political atmosphere where ideas can be brought up and discussed.

Once that has been restored we can then get back to Canada's unique brand of politicing.