Budapest is still Green

Day 2,852, 11:22 Published in Romania Hungary by DoomyB0y

First of all, it’s not a troll article. All i want is to share my feeling about the Wednesday TO with my opponents (enemies?)

To be honest i have to say thank to you, Nemesis guys.

For some time i really don’t know why I am still here. This game became boring, we have TP battles every day and thats all … nothing special.

But what you did guys on Wednesday, was the real excitement.

First i was furious - „These bastards try to occupy my wonderful eCountry !!!”

Then i went and hit everything what i had into the battle. Bars, gold, weps and some factory … all gone. And i saw you guys did the same.

But at the end i was HAPPY. Thats why i’m here to fight against my enemies (or opponents 🙂. You gave me back the meaning of this game.

It was honor fight against you, but we’re gonna come back to you and repay the debt.
