Brief overview of your Governments mandate.

Day 372, 16:55 Published in Russia Russia by Manifesto
Greetings fellow revolutionary comrades,

The election yesterday represented a sweeping victory of the people of Russia. After 5 grueling months of Norwegian occupation, the Russian people remained committed to their vision of a people-owned Union representing the tenants of democracy, equality, and the revolutionary ideal. The workers of Russia have spoken, and have overwhelmingly agreed that our nation will be sold out no longer to the slavers, exploiters, and capitalists. Unfortunately, an untimely glitch (which affected several parties in several countries) reduced our parties candidates from 10 to 5 and some had difficulties voting. The revolution, however, continues in earnest.

We have a long way to go comrades, and the path to our inevitable rise will be trying for us all. The Government of the Soviet Union will be taking steps to ensure prosperity and equality for all comrades in the Union. We invite all to participate in all facets of Soviet society and government from participating in democratic economic planning in GOSPLAN, becoming a military officer in the Soviet Red Army, or an ambassador or policy adviser in the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs.

The official forum of Russia can be found at All congressmen are expected to participate in discussion regarding legislation in the Congress of Peoples Deputies (some minor tweaking will still need to be done in the Congress section of the forum, but it will do for now).

Each Government Commissariat, and their respective Peoples' Commissars, are assigned their own newspapers. We are intent on providing in depth information and updates to the Russian people through these papers (weekly - biweekly).

Main Focus

Our main focus over the last few days has been speaking to the Norwegian Government regarding the liberation of Western Siberia in accordance to the Russian Declaration of Independence signed by the Norwegian Congress and the people of Russia. This region is imperative to the economic survival of our nation, containing 2x resource bonuses in Iron, Oil, and Wood (the only resource which we do not have a bonus is in Diamonds, however we will have a 1x bonus in this industry).Sal

We need to gain this region ASAP. Therefore, we are moving to gain this region by the middle-end of next week. During this next week we will be preparing our forces for this move by increasing wellness to the extent of what our resources can handle.
I have been speaking to Salve, President of Norway, and he has been preparing his own forces for assisting us gain Western Siberia; jobs will be available for Russians, prices of food weapons and gifts will be lowered, and wellness of Norwegian soldiers will be increased.
We would take this region right away, however, a Finnish liberation movement is currently in progress, and a few days buffer between wars will hopefully heal some battle wounds.

Just before the war, prices on weapons, food and moving tickets will be slashed in order for everybody to stock up on supplies.

Economic Policy

Many of you have likely noticed that the Soviet State industries have run out of money. This was due to the fact that we only had about 1000 RUB to distribute to the entire nation, donated by generous comrades who lived in Russia before.
80,000 RUB are being transferred to State Industries in order to pay for workers salaries and get production rolling once more. The minimum wage will remain the same for the time being, and prices of all goods will be lowered to match what workers are making.
As mentioned, our economy cannot truly become functional until Western Siberia is liberated. Other irritating glitches (such as not being able to put certain products on the market) have also made our jobs difficult.

If some have no money and are unable to afford food, by all means PM me and I will donate you food from our bountiful Soviet State Food reserve.
Houses may also be distributed at slashed prices in order to provide our workers with wellness. The Russian Workers have stockpiled roughly 17 houses to be given to our nation over the course two months through Soviet State Housing.

Foreign Policy

As outlined in the Declaration of Independence, Russia will become a passive ally of ATLANTIS... which will protect us from internal political takeovers (which are all too likely in a small nation, as history has shown us).
The Soviet Government has already established relations and embassies with several nations around the world, including the new nations of Poland, Korea, and Finland and are establishing embassies and formal relations with Norway, Indonesia and several others.
Commissar of Foreign Affairs ForeignLegion is currently accepting applications to become ambassadors for the Soviet Union to countries abroad. If you are interested, feel free to PM him.

Military Policy

Due to the inactivity of our current Commissar of Defense, we will be appointing a new Commissar of Defense in the next week. Besides logistical preparation regarding the liberation of Western Siberia, there are no plans of late regarding military organization of the USSR. We will be basing our plans roughly on proposed plans of pre-invasion Russia.

Expect more updates in the coming weeks regarding government action. Things will sure to normalize a few weeks after the liberation of Western Siberia though it may be a long, hard road; will assuredly take some time for us to collectively re-build. Unlike the imperialist nations the world round, our government focuses on participation of each member of the Union... whether it be government jobs or simple discussion. We defeated the Norwegian war machine through our steadfast loyalty to our cause and never ending activism within their empire. We now carry these values over to our new golden age of independence.

Viva la Revolution!

Workers of the world, Unite!
General Secretary of the CPSU