Both Sides of the Story

Day 576, 06:36 Published in Canada Canada by Mirahge

After PM'ing both Bruck and Jacobi on their positions on the story of Dean22, i was given permisson by both parties to print their unedited quotes. Do with them what you will.


My position, and the position of the Government, is that there is a) only one constitution at one time, b) that Congress overstepped its constitutional boundaries by voting to remove citizenship, c) even if the vote was a valid one, the Constitution stipulates that a player acquires citizenship by being in the country 14 days and the Congressional vote cannot supersede the Constitution.
And you may say, that my own personal feelings on the matter, is that this is just another example of the ridiculous feuding that goes on between older players all the time. Fights that have nothing to do with Canada today. I have zero desire to fight battles that began BEFORE the President of Canada was even playing the game! Some people are attention whores -- I get that. But simply put, there comes a time when people need to grow up.


I feel that the reinstatement of Dean22's citizenship is a poor decision of the Jacobi administration. Not only is Dean22 a proven felon having actively committed nefarious crimes against all of Canada and its citizens but he is a known peddler of incendiary remarks. His attacks on citizens are widely known and most often take place in articles where everyone may see. Jacobi's decision and reasoning to reinstate Dean22 is his own and may never be known. As I said I feel it was a poor decision not only for his administration but for the entirety of Canada. It however is his decision. It is up to congress, the courts and most of all the people of Canada to decide what is best, for the future and prosperity of Canada.