Blueprint #13

Day 850, 08:47 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

So Admin are pulling their support from contracts are they?

Well, I can understand their position. If someone had spent RL money to buy gold, then tried to use that gold to buy items that they never received, well... they could potentially sue Admin for the lost money. But anyway, in my experience most people are friendly and trustworthy, but there are always going to be a few unscrupulous types out there who won't hesitiate to offer a dodgy contract and screw other trusting citizens over.

So what I would propose is an official and unbreakable system. Just like the monetary market there would be an official form, created by one party. Here it would list what goods are to be traded and the parties subject to the agreement. All parties would have to donate their good(s) to the form and then press an 'Accept' button to finalise the deal. Once both parties have accepted, the goods automatically transfer to the other party. Imagine an donation inventory, split in two sections: Party A's and Party B's, and instead of an 'Donation' button it said 'Accept'. You would not be able to touch the items in the other party's section.
If the contract hasn't been finalised within 24 hours it becomes void and the goods of both parties are returned.

It would be a simple and ironclad way of trading.

A few tweaks and you could have a range of different options, 'clauses', that you could load into the form as well, turning them from purely product based into more wide-ranging contracts. Such as time delays, promises of future events, conditions that the contract be renewed (or re-signed by new presidents) etc. Each party would have to load in the clauses separately so they know exactly what they are signing. Only when the clauses match would the accept button appear.

And because they would be official and each party would have a real guarantee, and if for some reason it was broken, then Admin, or moderators or judges, whoever it might be, would be able to see clearly who broke the contract.

!Ding! Suddenly you have a system that no one can screw with. People can still trade using the old system if they like, but this one would remove all uncertainty from it.

Big thanks to J. Edgar Hoover for this one.