Black Market - Bosnian and English version !!

Day 1,651, 14:03 Published in USA Bosnia and Herzegovina by KicoNM

Dosadilo mi je više prepirati se sa bilo kim,a u novinama trenutno nema ništa bolje,pa sam dugo razmišljao o cemu da pišem,da bude interesantno a da nikom ne da povod za još jednu raspravu više u nizu!

Citatli ste sigurno u zadnje da je mnogo ljudi prevareno na tkz.crnom tržištu,e pa ja sam odlucio da podjelim svoja švercerska iskustva sa vama.

Stvarno je više puta pod velikim upitnikom da li ce vam partner isporuciti dogovorenu robu ili vam poslati nešto drugo(ako vam uopšte šta pošalje!)

Dešavalo mi se par puta da platim Q5 food a tip mi pošalje Q1 food i onda sam morao pisati x poruka dok ne bih dobio dogovoreno.

Jedanput sam cak imao srecu prije uvodenja ovog zadnjeg ekonomskog modula,bio sam u makedoniji i imao sam namjeru kupiti Q5 tenkove i pogledam na Marketplace i kad tamo tip nudi 500 Q5 tenkova za cijenu od 3.25 MKD!?!!!

Prvo sam mislio da je možda bug ali u sljedecoj sekundi sam odmah kupio svih 500 tenkova za cijenu od 3.25 MKD tip je izgleda ubacio zarez na pogrešno mjesto a ja imao srecu da sam bio na pravom mjestu u pravo vrijeme

Da nisam švercer ja bih mu platio razliku novca,ali pošto sam par puta platio a dobio 0 robe,odlucio sam se zadržati te tenkove!

Par dana kasnije sam odradio poslic ja jednim igracem iz eSrbije,tip je imao farmu multija i a znao je da ja to znam tako da me nije prijavio za prevaru

Ja sam se tad osjecao kao Robin Hud,jer ipak sam oteo od igraca koji se bogati sa multijima.

U meduvremenu sam imao oko 10.000 tenkova u storage pa sam onda odlucio krenuti pravo u biznis!

Nisam ih prodavao na Marketplace osim da skinem cijenu ovim "poštenjacima" koji su za svaku krizu u eBiH dizali cijene do neba!

Za vrlo kratko vrijeme sam zaradio oko 300.000 km!

Onda sam se odlucio da se više ne bavim "prljavim" švercom vec biti pošten švercer(zvuci ironicno ali je istina),znaci nema više navlacenja drugih itd.

Tražio sam preko poznanika ozbiljne prodavace i našao sam par sa kojima i dan danas super poslujem.

Možda je ovo vecini dosadna prica,ali ima poruka

Pazite se kad kupujete od igraca koji su ispod lvl 35,jer postoji ogromna mogucnost da ce vas ti ljudi prevariti,zvuci smiješno jer je moj lvl 32,ali vjerujte mi znam iz iskustva!

Ljudi preko lvl 35 imaju mogucnost da imaju više firmi pa mogu da prodaju robu,a sve niže ispod tog su šverceri kao ja ili vi tj. ostali pocetnici u švercu

Ima iznimka za lvl ako vidite da je taj igrac vec 2-3 godine na eRepu,onda je stvar koliko se vi o njemu raspitate!

Najbolje je kad kupujete vece kolicine robe da se dogovorite da vi pošaljete pola novca a on pola robe,pa onda po prijemu opet isto!

Ako tip to odbije onda zaboravite taj deal,jer ce vas 90% odraditi

Ja sam imao srecu da sam našao pouzdane ljude koji mi robu isporuce,a znaju nekad cekati i do 7 dana da im platim!

Znaci kad vidite ili dobijete super ponudu,tražite da vam da nekavu garanciju ili prije nego ga kontaktirate provjerite ga!

Nisam eKriminalac,ali zahvaljujuci adminu koji je ljudima koji ne štekaju RL novac u igru,onemogucio bilo kakav napredak bilo ekonomski ili u kojem drugom pravcu,morao sam postati švercer da bih makar malo mogao napredovati!

Da admine ti si kriv,a ne moji roditelji da sam postao to šta sad jesam

P.S ako vam treba opširnije o švercu javite se preko pm,jer ovdje se duži clanci bez slika slabo citaju,osim ako se radi o pljuvanju ili podjeli wep i food-a

Ugodan dan želim!

vazzdagazzda- King of the Black Market


I was tired of arguing over it with anyone in the newspapers at the moment there is nothing better, so I thought about what to write, to be interesting and that anyone that does not rise for another hearing more in the series!

Quotes are certainly in the past that many people are scamed on the black market, well, I decided that sharing my experience with you.

Really more than once under a big question mark whether you will partner to deliver the agreed goods or send you something else (if it does what you send!)

Happened to me a couple of times to pay Q5 and type of food we send food Q1 and then I had to write x messages until I got agreed.

Once I even had a chance before the introduction of this latest economic module, I was in Macedonia and I had intended to buy a Q5 tanks and look at the marketplace and when there Q5 offers 500 type tanks for the price of 3.25 MKD?!

At first I thought it might be a bug but the next second I immediately bought all 500 tanks for the price of 3.25 MKD type seems to put a comma in the wrong place and I was lucky that I was in the right place at the right time

Yes I smuggler I would have paid the difference of money, but since I paid a few times and got 0 goods, I decided to keep these tanks!

A few days later I did a nice job with eSerbian player, the guy had a farm of Multis know is that I know so I did not report for fraud

I felt like Robin Hood, though, because I snatched from the players that are rich with Multis.

In the meantime, I had about 10,000 tanks in storage so I then decided to go right into the business!

I sold them to the marketplace than to take off the price FAIR for every crisis in eBiH prices rose to the sky!

For a very short time I have earned about 300,000 km!

Then I decided that I do no more "dirty" smuggling but to be honest smuggler (sounds ironic but true), means no more putting on another, etc.

Perhaps this is the most boring story, but there are messages

Be careful when buying from players who are under lvl 35, because there is a huge possibility that these people fool you, it sounds funny because my lvl 32, but believe me I know from experience!

People over lvl 35 have the opportunity to have more companies, so they can sell goods, and lower and lower below the smugglers are like me or you that other beginners in the smuggling

There is an exception to lvl if you see that the player has already 2-3 years in eRep, then it is a matter of how you can inquire about it!

It is best when buying larger quantities of goods to arrange to send you half money and half on the goods, and then after receiving the same again!

If a guy refuses, then forget this deal, because you will be scamed 90%

I've been lucky that I have found reliable people who deliver the goods to me, and know once and wait up to 7 days to pay them!

That means when you see or get a great offer, looking to you to nekavu warranty or contact us before you make it!

I'm not bad guy,but thanks to the admin that people who do not cartons of RL money into the game, prevented any progress either economically or in any other direction, I had become a smuggler that I could improve a bit though!

In the admin you are guilty, not my parents that I have become what I am now

PS If you need more contrabands contact via PM, because here the longer articles without image poorly read, but if it is spitting or sharing food and WEP's

have a nice day!

vazzdagazzda-King of the Black Market!!!