Big Brother.

Day 1,702, 08:21 Published in USA USA by Technician

1. Any member of government, whether executive or legislative, caught fighting AGAINST America unless otherwise ordered so to do as a part of necessary planned military operations will be subject to immediate censure and removel from post where possible.

2. Any member of government, whether executive or legislative, who falls foul of clause 1 will be prevented from running for further terms while the war with Canada is still ongoing, and after that their status will be subject to review. In addition, while the war is onoing, no new appointments shall be made of people who are known to have faught AGAINST America in the war.

3. Any member of the official US Armed Forces caught fighting AGAINST America contrary to orders will be subject to immediate withdrawal of rations and removal from their unit for the duration of the war, and after that their status will be subject to review by the Defense Department (this clause excludes those who resign their position and stop taking rations voluntarily for the duration of the war).

4. Any citizen who leaves the eUSA for the purpose of fighting against the eUSA will have that counted against them when they reapply for Citizenship through IES.